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1898 check-ins using file usr.bin/w/Makefile version 74e02e5398
| ||
09:33 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: c7e7ae6c4b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:33 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 24aa1431b8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:33 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 6cf25032b8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:12 | add $l $t commands check-in: a9176d94ec user: marc tags: trunk | |
06:58 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: c8cf6abc12 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:58 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 8b63560262 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:57 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h; some reformatting check-in: ed69dd9166 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:55 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: d10e77d3cb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:48 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 0bef64aa93 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:42 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 2043f4f4f0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:42 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 6b03356523 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:38 | increase buffer to 128 check-in: 7449d2ec0c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:07 | put back SCCS id strings check-in: c6dc6e6f70 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:06 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 1648b9b909 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:06 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 94e81258bc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:05 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 3da8313f29 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:05 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 901c4f2b87 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:05 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 935d79acf8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:03 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 8d5dd98c57 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:02 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 4ffeae2388 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:00 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 8fd163329c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:59 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h remove unused test/assignment check-in: cff0d243e2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:59 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: c4e0ef0ed3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:58 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: b60fe41d87 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:57 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 37549090ef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:57 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 1e1d87e22f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:56 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 8bcd962fbe user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:52 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 27959ba56a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:51 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: e1b98dbacd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:51 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: b780a030b2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:51 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 0c76165faa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:51 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 4adab0bc56 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:49 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 7d27e83e4f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:49 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: d1bdd5c121 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:48 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 4fec21e9d8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:48 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 07d45be1ef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:48 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 4678d1e806 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:47 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: fd6ed278dc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:47 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 6869e486cd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:47 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 6c5fc3726b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:46 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: a63976bd67 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:45 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 652489f783 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:44 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 57ef62a8ad user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:42 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: fa0f135ff7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:42 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 86934d3f0b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:42 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 56914416a6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:41 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 745ab087d4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:41 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 9883c5a47a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:41 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 3cbfe29188 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:40 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: c84dde8182 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:40 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 7ff54c7e40 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:39 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 01739f886a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:39 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 3a66b0588e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:39 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: c663cb2a1c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:39 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 0c176b7633 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:38 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: a3ff7d81ca user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:38 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 11ce99665f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:37 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 126c222dd3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:37 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 06d6f41065 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:36 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 3bf04b20fc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:31 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: dc35686b05 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:30 | bcmp collided with C library routine check-in: 023ca1fb78 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:54 | file reorg check-in: 0c84500c93 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:47 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: c7ec766997 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:46 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: f19afab21b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:46 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 7b8cb530ef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:46 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 77f21f3410 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:45 | declare system includes first check-in: cf02275bf3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:45 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 7c5709644c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:44 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: c7d3e8b452 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:44 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: ab5ac815cd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:44 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: f84870dcfe user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:43 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: a2ca10b41b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:43 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 3062afc2c4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:43 | add cleandir label check-in: 6ff4edfd1e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:42 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: d1fd8f9332 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:42 | fix year length defines for tzfile.h check-in: 869b7a0155 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:42 | add types.h for pwd.h check-in: ad7ba95abd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:41 | build profiled library, minor cleanups check-in: 6722f5642b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:41 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 6f35cd5f19 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:40 | new template check-in: 48aab51d8d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:40 | new template check-in: 7dabc65737 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:40 | new template check-in: 5d8b582e48 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:39 | new template check-in: 650bc75c4c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:38 | minor cleanup check-in: a36fcec9e5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:37 | cleanups, remove dependencies check-in: 16fcbc0e35 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:37 | remove dependencies, cleanup check-in: c0503676bf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:36 | minor cleanups check-in: 7df8ee292b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:36 | file reorg, cleanup check-in: 3bb9f0c043 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:36 | add man pages, remove dependencies, cleanup check-in: f343524cf3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:35 | cleanup, add depend labels check-in: 546bfa2ba2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:35 | cleanup, build profiled version check-in: 7c14740f5a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:34 | major cleanup... I hate mkmf... check-in: b6c8d7c57a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:34 | add lastlog path; add lastlog structure -- lastlog.h removed check-in: 3410ff586f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:33 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 66785f713a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:33 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 3802e58f5d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:32 | minor cleanup check-in: d6a5bceba8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:32 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: fcfc90f3a7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:32 | cleanup, add pathnames.h check-in: 02a1d6d65f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:31 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 127944f3cf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:31 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 18f6ac5d28 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:31 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: b6570fc261 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:30 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: b03ffc0136 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:30 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 96cf1713f4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:30 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: f33ace4537 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:29 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: ca6c3f96c6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:28 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: b4eacf06fd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:28 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: b87082d55c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:28 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 057ae967b5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:27 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 44b12d8a0c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:27 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: b4f2cc5730 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:26 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 4358100253 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:26 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 7ce6aa7d79 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:25 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: e7cb9dd2bc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:25 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 6ebf57d06d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:25 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: aea1bcf026 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:24 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 15dad9f71f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:23 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: a6a148fa10 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:23 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: f323aa4168 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:22 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: ed447718a7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:22 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: a145e5ca13 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:21 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: f31820206c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:20 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: d353a148cf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:19 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 47080d4f0c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:19 | file reorg, pathnames.h paths.h rip out `standard backup' directory check-in: aaa26ecd94 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:17 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: e34192d530 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:17 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 37382e8b4b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:17 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: e8e8db757e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:16 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: e308a26ee4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:16 | add hd check-in: afbec1f836 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:16 | fix find updatedb to work with new su check-in: b63bc62014 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:15 | add rest of interfaces check-in: b55d5345d8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:15 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 54b17234ac user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:15 | file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h check-in: 239393e323 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:02 | date and time created 89/05/10 21:02:34 by bostic check-in: b695d05c56 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:58 | file system reorg check-in: 9941ed581a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:45 | store both chars in register to force optimization; Chris's version check-in: f87ae5d153 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:37 | don't bother reporting on mail -- it's never going to be right check-in: e26f8b4380 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:37 | cleanup, don't install link to "f" check-in: 65968022f9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
19:42 | get the suser check in the correct places check-in: f4a96b49c2 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
18:40 | merge in vnodes check-in: 33926d5709 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:46 | `ld' moved again check-in: 5cbbea0352 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:46 | `ld' moved again check-in: 01d0311e35 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:36 | place holder for eventual structure check-in: f5e22bca0a user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:04 | merge in NFS support from Rick Macklem check-in: 63ce448a30 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:03 | merge in vnodes check-in: 3f48eb4f0b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:02 | new copyright; update include files check-in: ec61a8402f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:00 | merge in vnodes check-in: d1d8e17e1b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:00 | merge in vnodes check-in: 30b460de88 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:59 | merge in vnodes check-in: 3768297b29 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:59 | merge in vnodes check-in: 2db1c7ecbf user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:58 | merge in vnodes check-in: 623e102e3e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:58 | merge in vnodes check-in: a56d3ee00c user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:57 | merge in vnodes check-in: 0f06c2c697 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:57 | merge in NFS support from Rick Macklem check-in: 5fdac61d21 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:57 | merge in vnodes check-in: 8e41ea3504 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:56 | merge in vnodes check-in: 7759ab4b7f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:56 | merge in vnodes check-in: 5d11b214d8 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:56 | merge in vnodes check-in: 5c4b1ad269 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:55 | delete unneeded header file; merge in NFS support from Rick Macklem check-in: 594a36410f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:54 | eliminate ../h check-in: f5763299fd user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:54 | merge in vnodes check-in: 06f88ffe56 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:53 | merge in vnodes check-in: c2861ccdf2 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:53 | merge in NFS support from Rick Macklem check-in: 27a070891b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:53 | merge in vnodes check-in: 4664a0d086 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:52 | merge in vnodes check-in: 38bc44cdab user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:52 | merge in vnodes check-in: 6bc7bff35e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:51 | delete unneeded include file; add NFS support from Rick Macklem check-in: dbb51357fa user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:49 | no caching for now check-in: 892a842ecb user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:49 | alternative method for copying in name check-in: 4fcd43d47f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:47 | must do the lookup for RENAME as well as CREATE check-in: 538a652c75 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:44 | merge in vnodes check-in: 9f9cea1f89 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:43 | read into system space, not user space! check-in: 999a39b8dd user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:42 | merge in vnodes check-in: 8e34c475a2 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:38 | move root to /root; change :*: to :*NOLOGIN*: check-in: 79a15c5df9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:22 | merge in vnodes check-in: 6630063292 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:22 | merge in vnodes check-in: 777db79a58 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:21 | merge in vnodes check-in: 6a8cedfcb9 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:12 | check for multiple includes; change for POSIX compliance check-in: 3a063df386 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:11 | merge in vnodes check-in: 8e5a1e9c9d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:10 | lint check-in: f82fe22685 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:05 | merge in vnodes check-in: 2725938cc5 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:04 | new naming convention check-in: 8423cb04ff user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:03 | merge in vnodes check-in: 226231f5be user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:03 | merge in vnodes check-in: c1b290b02e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:53 | get rid of extraneous header files check-in: 470a701b12 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:46 | lint; new naming convention check-in: df53071f40 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:44 | generalize for vnodes for NFS; move closei into blk_close check-in: 9ad7562fb1 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:36 | merge in vnodes check-in: 281729b463 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:35 | merge in vnodes check-in: 5f3f073cf8 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:34 | merge in NFS support from Rick Macklem check-in: b7529ab5da user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:34 | first bootable vnodes check-in: 2489e244df user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:18 | protect against multiple inclusions check-in: c007f5b526 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:16 | additions from Rick Macklem for NFS check-in: 29212cdded user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:14 | changes from Rick Macklem for NFS check-in: 4ba6e067e6 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:13 | merge in vnodes check-in: eec6681448 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:13 | merge in vnodes check-in: 7c7a45fe2c user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:10 | merge in vnodes check-in: 950243b270 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:00 | merge in vnodes check-in: 92639b892f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:58 | first cut at new makefile; file reorg, new depend check-in: ff733d60d2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:57 | file reorg check-in: 23e00e77c8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:56 | file reorg, make depend cleanup check-in: 691012ba05 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:56 | file reorg check-in: 9bed148398 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:55 | file reorg check-in: 548f3394fa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:50 | fixes for filesystem reorg check-in: e110969215 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:49 | fix for reorg check-in: 22be5c3db2 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:49 | no change check-in: ae4994636b user: kfall tags: trunk | |
10:16 | add paths.h check-in: 2c9f5b3744 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:15 | add pathnames.h check-in: acf9ab95bc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:15 | file reorg check-in: 8e89f55575 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:14 | file reorg check-in: 1b26a8b366 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:14 | add paths.h check-in: eedd72c119 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:14 | general cleanup check-in: 9a07dc2cd2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:41 | file reorg check-in: cef75e790b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:40 | add paths.h check-in: e6a04b21b7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:40 | add setlogname; add pathnames.h check-in: dff1eb2607 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:39 | mv login check-in: 434841bf0c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:39 | file reorg check-in: 1b4c627816 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:37 | file reorg check-in: 8dfc439b82 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:37 | add paths.h check-in: 24237cb499 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:33 | file system reorg; paths.h; add setlogname, clean up getpwent() check-in: 8427094bed user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:04 | mv as from usr.bin to pgrm check-in: a75929f367 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:44 | move _PATH_DEV to paths.h check-in: e6d6a73c4d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:39 | no change check-in: 870f5dfd91 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:38 | no change check-in: ff0a6f7ff0 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:27 | don't follow symlinks on -r; add -h flag to force symlink follow check-in: 4d9d705a15 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:54 | /tmp moves to /usr/include check-in: 9487789337 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:34 | document type of link du handles check-in: fc09ef998b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:34 | file system reorg check-in: b79afca6d0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:04 | fd (in enter_lastlog()) needs to be static too check-in: 40877f3f48 user: edward tags: trunk | |
09:00 | file system reorg and pathnames.h check-in: 298557b684 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:59 | file system reorg and pathnames.h check-in: 8796716e77 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:58 | file system reorg and pathnames.h check-in: 4be513b446 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:58 | file system reorg and pathnames.h check-in: 2d9027f04f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:57 | file system reorg and pathnames.h check-in: 0d93454b27 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:55 | file system reorg check-in: fa2110c0fc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:54 | file system reorg; pathnames.h check-in: d8f0c30e3f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:52 | file system reorg check-in: 5cb3764b44 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:52 | file system reorg check-in: a921e91a76 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:51 | file system reorg check-in: 0e7cb8c4d1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:51 | file system reorg check-in: aa9b9e7498 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:20 | date and time created 89/05/08 12:20:13 by kfall check-in: 25ed82db0f user: kfall tags: trunk | |
08:08 | document that leaving fields empty turns off account/password aging check-in: c993bf8fd3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:07 | date and time created 89/05/08 12:07:51 by kfall check-in: ac3d761ac3 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
07:56 | document using asterisks for missing tty/idle/login fields check-in: 0e6d7dd3c1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:46 | zero out sa_len field when sending out on net (hack!) check-in: b85687f8c4 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
07:36 | clean up copyright notice check-in: b83e1e887e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:25 | don't read/seek lastlog if can't open the file check-in: 0c54ab96d0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:02 | show last login time if more recent than current logins, cleaned up, speeded up, put people in hash table, separate login info from personal info check-in: a11eb9412c user: edward tags: trunk | |
12:02 | fix for ANSI C; bug report 4.3BSD/usr.lib/110 check-in: bbbfeb52da user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:01 | update from Arthur Olson/Robert Elz check-in: d45fc987fd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:01 | date and time created 89/05/06 14:01:01 by bostic check-in: ef1a9818a0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:53 | Tony Nardo ( reworked the original, I redid his stuff; should handle multiple logons right. check-in: 098d74f726 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:52 | Tony Nardo ( reworked the original, I redid his stuff; should handle multiple logons right. check-in: b89552735c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:33 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: fadc1bade3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:33 | use waitpid to get status check-in: 898e93b2c8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:02 | fast find doesn't find last file; bug report tahoe/usr.bin/16 check-in: eed777ca7b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:37 | delete uneeded include's check-in: 74a0cb2eb2 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
20:31 | get rid of unneeded include check-in: ea871f7f03 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
20:29 | get rid of unneeded include files check-in: 02853eeb97 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
20:27 | get rid of unneeded include's check-in: 3ac43de120 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
20:25 | get rid of unneeded include of dir.h check-in: f027c8ffc5 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
20:24 | get rid of unnedded include of dir.h check-in: 208351e2b1 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
20:22 | get rid of spurious includes check-in: 51b0f10d54 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
20:17 | delete unneeded include files check-in: a123b9720e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
20:06 | delete unneeded include of dir.h check-in: b3efc217a0 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
15:25 | date and time created 89/05/04 19:25:05 by bostic check-in: fb3d30a50c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:24 | date and time created 89/05/04 19:24:50 by bostic check-in: a35d91f2ba user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:24 | date and time created 89/05/04 19:24:37 by bostic check-in: 56cd03c4b4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:24 | date and time created 89/05/04 19:24:08 by bostic check-in: 69dfd8d1f3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:24 | Automatic directory addition check-in: beeeff1d6c user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
15:14 | date and time created 89/05/04 19:14:31 by bostic check-in: 87b4332825 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:03 | spelling fix check-in: e6d6a1472d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:24 | ->; minor lint; bug report tahoe/ucb/42 check-in: 1bf45781a2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:52 | inline expand geterror as the function is no longer defined check-in: afb4c84bc2 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:11 | add Berkeley specific copyright notices check-in: deeedfbe27 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:32 | added find.h to remove magic numbers shared by find.c and code.c, sped up code by 30% while reducing number of lines and fixing an encoding bug (thereby compressing the encoded database about another 2.5%), added explanatory comments check-in: d9835f1a00 user: jak tags: trunk | |
09:50 | use MAXPATHLEN check-in: 56917c509e user: jak tags: trunk | |
09:47 | added find.h to remove magic numbers shared by find.c and code.c, uses register variables a little better, uses perror, editted comments check-in: aab19d4aeb user: jak tags: trunk | |
09:42 | get rid of unneeded header files check-in: c36e7e0595 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:30 | date and time created 89/05/04 13:30:18 by jak check-in: 2952be6081 user: jak tags: trunk | |
08:40 | add system calls for get/setlogname check-in: d049edf0ad user: kfall tags: trunk | |
08:38 | merge in vnodes check-in: 0b911ea112 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
05:27 | file system reorg, pathnames.h; fix pw_stayopen check-in: f9972f6271 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:59 | new version for Israel from Guy check-in: 041e830700 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:58 | date and time created 89/05/04 07:58:07 by bostic check-in: cc7db81336 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:58 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 972da3adb5 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:23 | make more POSIX compliant check-in: d2a4a6d645 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:21 | file system reorg check-in: 8fde69c55c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:20 | file system reorg, pathnames.h; keep passwd/group files open check-in: d665a619dc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:07 | update to work with vnodes check-in: d45e0479ec user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
03:45 | fix botched fix for botched introduction of getopt check-in: c5853ffcb7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:28 | Berkeley specific header check-in: be0b93f3d7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:08 | merge in NFS support from Rick Macklem check-in: df0bb6323d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:48 | merge in NFS code from Rick Macklem check-in: 2c4fe60a68 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:37 | integrate back branch -r7.2.1.1 check-in: db69b9ef9e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:30 | merge in vnode changes check-in: bfad2d98ed user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:19 | integrate back branch -r7.2.1.1 check-in: 7c095d83de user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:08 | merge in vnode changes check-in: 101a785d58 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
07:15 | integrate back branch -r7.2.1.1 check-in: 82cb5c8f1a user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
07:10 | merge in vnode changes check-in: 336588094b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
19:39 | integrate back branch - check-in: 3342c60369 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
19:37 | merge in vnode changes check-in: cea3639d18 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
19:37 | pathnames.h check-in: 9b2d78fdd5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
19:33 | speed table, initializations, t_param, other tty related changes. check-in: bde83b3d1a user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:32 | speed table, initializations, t_param, other tty related changes check-in: 71628bec03 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:31 | speed table, initializations, t_param, other terminal driver changes check-in: 88087f84df user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:29 | TTLOWAT -> t_lowat check-in: 57a1d0d962 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:27 | printins looses fmt check-in: a336b171ca user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:26 | speed table, initializations, calling t_param, passing flags, etc check-in: 51b27ef266 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:25 | mem device now takes flag check-in: 64ae533ed9 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:24 | add generic i/o tracing -- other minor nots check-in: f99ec4fca2 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:22 | KTRACE support -- also, make s_count an int check-in: 97d089cc48 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:21 | put old speed definitions under "#define USE_OLD_TTY" - for old code check-in: 5555ff3ef3 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:20 | change value of EAGAIN to that of EWOULDBLOCK for POSIX. (yuck) check-in: 2fb212419a user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:18 | remove TS_NBIO check-in: 766c8793d4 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:17 | add O_NONBLOCK check-in: 1ad66046cc user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:17 | u_XXX -> u_logname (for set/get logname) check-in: be268a2f81 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
19:11 | add clock_t and pid_t check-in: fe11ce9632 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:10 | use microtime, be less paranoid about errors, add genio tracing code check-in: eeac22781d user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:08 | KTRACE code check-in: f4640de493 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:07 | integrate back branch check-in: 6ad03db0fc user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
19:07 | ononblock and passing flag through check-in: 1e7da1a3f4 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:06 | minor cleanups check-in: a6c1e301f0 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:05 | /dev/tty takes flag and passes to line discipline, also - naw - thats it check-in: cbcae8d427 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:02 | delete BK line discipline check-in: 98386fe05f user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:02 | /dev/fd driver check-in: 4c7170fbc8 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:01 | init KTRACE variables check-in: 14a4e1f893 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:00 | clocal, nonblock, other carrier related stuff check-in: 69efa2f1c5 user: marc tags: trunk | |
19:00 | merge in vnode changes check-in: 93ac49bb2c user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
18:56 | KTRACE code check-in: f9599618a6 user: marc tags: trunk | |
18:49 | integrate back branch -r7.3.1.1 check-in: 429525fed5 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
18:47 | merge in vnode changes check-in: be11f7de36 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
18:30 | integrate back branch -r7.1.1.1 check-in: 6f6a9ea141 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
18:27 | merge in vnode changes check-in: b2681f316c user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:13 | update for new command locations check-in: 5622972612 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:14 | correct pathname for the macros check-in: 1d337441c7 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:20 | sgsetup routines for vd/hd drivers check-in: b881014161 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:17 | add VAX650 to the processors needs scanc check-in: 26b776295f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:46 | fix /etc/init /sbin/init code check-in: 1a0381d6ab user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:43 | put NACE on #ifdef; add NHD for HCX-9 check-in: df201deb05 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:41 | add wbadaddr for HCX-9 hd driver check-in: bac7b2186e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:27 | add ex, inet, ns, iso, and hd drivers check-in: bb3e2c821d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:12 | add hd drivers for HCX-9 check-in: 68a946e27a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:08 | general cleanup, move dependencies to .depend check-in: d0c8874dbe user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:07 | general cleanup, lint, yank to 7.1 check-in: 39c20d9378 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:06 | label offset calculation incorrect check-in: 4845b8a0e2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:04 | fix cylinder calculation; remove error codes, add disk labels check-in: 6ba8486a04 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:17 | utmp.h needs types.h now check-in: 55f4929090 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:16 | date and time created 89/05/01 09:16:53 by bostic check-in: b91c8446b2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:39 | date and time created 89/05/01 08:39:43 by bostic check-in: 83304c4d1d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:39 | file system reorganization; pathnames.h check-in: 6008ce9134 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:57 | add Berkeley specific header check-in: c2cd245b99 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:51 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 16077af960 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:46 | unused assignment check-in: 1ee87d70b2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:56 | file system reorganization check-in: f8cdd229db user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:54 | /sys/h => /sys/sys check-in: a5bfe4595e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:53 | use new form of suser() check-in: 23cf933402 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
15:50 | use new form of suser() check-in: 7fe48913f9 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
15:41 | use new form of suser() check-in: c98b5e6bf7 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
15:21 | use new form of suser() check-in: 0a0edc7acc user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
15:17 | use new form of suser() check-in: bfe2535630 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
15:00 | temporary hack until real credentials check-in: 2c96a6ffca user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:56 | use new form of suser() check-in: e0956f8a6c user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:53 | use new form of suser() check-in: 1cf409b821 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:51 | use new form of suser() check-in: d2c46d8d68 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:49 | usr new form of suser() check-in: 58e36bdf73 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:46 | use new form of suser() check-in: a2f44bb26f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:43 | use new form of suser() check-in: 68e9ce0652 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:41 | use new form of suser() check-in: c819e4c733 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:44 | fix botched introduction of getopt check-in: f3a9108c55 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:29 | ../h => ../sys check-in: d487accb95 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:27 | ../h => ../sys check-in: d762381b9e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:24 | ../machine => machine check-in: fe6d172df0 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:22 | new locations due to file system reorganization check-in: f0892f436f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:21 | ../h => ../sys check-in: 408fc8073e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:19 | ../h => (implicitly) ../sys check-in: 824b5e8fea user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:07 | syntax error in bzero check-in: 1dfd31e804 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:44 | Checkpoint as of first successful tp connection, before posix, & before mckusick starts incorporating gnodes check-in: a3e0e036b9 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
12:42 | add kern_ktrace; tty_bk => tty_compat check-in: 5c53cccb6e user: marc tags: trunk | |
12:38 | sys => kern check-in: e50b5697f0 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:54 | ../h => ../sys check-in: 4283b0ad7b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:48 | ../machine => machine check-in: ba09971072 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:13 | new locations due to file system reorganization check-in: 855806af6b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:01 | ../machine => machine check-in: f276bc7b71 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:00 | move absolute pathnames to pathnames.h check-in: 22eb64d073 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:50 | ../machine => machine check-in: 282edfeedf user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:50 | ../machine => machine check-in: 4c068d9cec user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:49 | ../machine => machine check-in: e8385152c3 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:48 | ../machine => machine check-in: 44dd8ca8f8 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:47 | ../machine => machine check-in: 4e1673e014 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:43 | ../machine => machine check-in: 2b35f887ca user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:42 | ../machine => machine check-in: 3bb8c7ea3f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:29 | ../machine => machine check-in: 828202bdbe user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:28 | ../machine => machine check-in: 2cbcd018f8 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:25 | ../machine => machine check-in: cfe323db32 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:22 | ../machine => machine check-in: ee99d4d12c user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:12 | ../machine => machine check-in: 0a16182d7b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:12 | ../macine => machine check-in: 453a23a30b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:11 | ../machine => machine check-in: dcffa2691d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:09 | ../machine => machine check-in: 58ae0d3171 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:08 | ../machine => machine check-in: 473a34b5a1 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:58 | ../machine => machine check-in: 620ea776c0 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:54 | ../machine => machine check-in: d72d067274 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:47 | ../machine => machine check-in: 81a1a82fe7 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:36 | ../machine => machine check-in: 8d9cb254ec user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:34 | ../machine => machine check-in: eb987a2272 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:33 | ../machine => machine check-in: 7fafa86843 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:31 | ../machine => machine check-in: 7d307a5731 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:28 | ../machine => machine check-in: fbb2396f16 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:22 | ../machine => machine check-in: cd66f6593f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
07:08 | ../machine => machine check-in: fae0d4b621 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
07:06 | ../machine => machine check-in: 081accd20a user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
07:03 | ../machine => machine check-in: 4abdf2349d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
07:03 | make CTRL macro safe for ANSI check-in: 4a8646df4c user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
07:01 | ../machine => machine check-in: f42f81f2e7 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
06:52 | ../machine => machine check-in: 7da3e4ffbf user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
06:51 | ../machine => machine check-in: 66e98207f5 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
06:49 | ../machine => machine check-in: 9045a12e63 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
06:47 | ../machine => machine check-in: 3b49c76f22 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
06:09 | do not use absolute pathname for echo check-in: 05f9e33848 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
06:02 | clamp number of arguments printed to 10 to avoid infinite output check-in: 288183e93a user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:21 | update from Rick Macklem for NFS check-in: f3df9525ca user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:08 | get rid of spurious printf check-in: 130a5d7b24 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:39 | first bootable vnodes check-in: 628e983c0d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:38 | first bootable vnodes (extracted from vfs_lookup.c) check-in: 926c4d132c user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:38 | first bootable vnodes check-in: 786ee92e7f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:38 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 8fc4052be1 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
15:09 | first bootable vnodes check-in: 16aef8d575 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:50 | add Berkeley copyright check-in: 73a1929016 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
11:27 | no more SIGCONT check-in: 31d01c56b4 user: edward tags: trunk | |
09:49 | save and restore around stipple fill to reclaim memory check-in: c3e6159f5b user: edward tags: trunk | |
09:13 | document aliasing; ISO/IP encapsulation check-in: 5e8de24b0e user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:35 | iso/IP stuff works, fix bug in that ifconfig up deletes primary inet address. check-in: ef4d9ac778 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:26 | checkpoint for version to be handed to NIST, simple tp4 connection check-in: 892d229702 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:24 | changes for var length sockaddrs, new mbufs check-in: b8fc152ad8 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:21 | changes for var. length sockaddrs; new routing; mv common ether input and output routines to if_ethersubr.c; checkpoint at first working iso/tp4 connection and before gnodes. check-in: 9ccb1321c0 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:20 | changes for var. length sockaddrs; new routing; mv common ether input and output routines to if_ethersubr.c; checkpoint at first working iso/tp4 connection and before gnodes. check-in: 7ac14be365 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:17 | first working version of BSD/tahoe ex driver; checkpoint other drivers as of first working iso/tp4 connection & before gnodes check-in: 460da8b6d9 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:14 | changes for var. length sockaddrs, routing lookup changes, checkpoint at first working tp4 connection, before gnodes check-in: 1bb042a285 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:11 | checkpoint at first working tp4 connection; before gnodes check-in: 6976d5a6b8 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:06 | checkpoint at first working tp4 connection; & before gnodes check-in: 6d0ceefaf4 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
07:56 | checked in; unusued in present kernel. check-in: 54c9600671 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
07:55 | Checkpoint as of first successful tp connection, before posix, & before mckusick starts incorporating gnodes check-in: d96b982b5d user: sklower tags: trunk | |
07:26 | file modes have to agree check-in: 71169a3cf2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
06:07 | file system reorganization, pathnames.h check-in: 6d29fbaf7d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:49 | date and time created 89/04/21 09:49:19 by bostic check-in: 58411de064 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:46 | file reorganization, pathnames.h check-in: 8fa7e1d3b0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:23 | remove hostid check-in: 190b95d558 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:59 | file system reorganization; pathnames.h check-in: fed4c3278b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:58 | file system reorganization; pathnames.h check-in: 301790c9b0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:08 | file system reorganization; pathnames.h check-in: 3b7c632aea user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:01 | if kernel returns NULL string, return NULL to user; KNF check-in: 37876fef92 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:31 | retry data connection (SO_REUSEADDR isn't enough); show directories in NLST unless globbing (a botch, but too incompatible otherwise); bostic's pathname changes check-in: 1733260fbf user: karels tags: trunk | |
06:27 | use binary for list, etc. if unix; avoid null usernames; bostic's pathname stuff check-in: f531b1fba8 user: karels tags: trunk | |
02:05 | zapple driver added check-in: 9358119f94 user: edward tags: trunk | |
02:02 | zapple driver added check-in: 0132006877 user: edward tags: trunk | |
02:02 | date and time created 89/04/20 06:02:22 by edward check-in: 4500820518 user: edward tags: trunk | |
| ||
07:27 | mv pcs750.bin to /usr/src/etc/vax check-in: c2ebab46bd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
11:49 | date and time created 89/04/18 15:49:46 by bostic check-in: 4886dd508b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:49 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 77c66caa34 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
11:40 | date and time created 89/04/18 15:40:01 by bostic check-in: d8901eaa47 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:40 | date and time created 89/04/18 15:40:00 by bostic check-in: fb00275489 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:39 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 570dc089de user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
11:38 | move /usr/lib/tabset -> /usr/share/tabset check-in: 0bcb8ef1b6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:09 | reorg, fix copyright check-in: 3982615a89 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:06 | use defines in /usr/include/utmp.h check-in: d8c6d09cac user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:48 | update to version in /etc; couldn't find original sccs files, though. The one I'm changing was V1.16, the one in /etc was V1.21. check-in: 46af7571b3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:44 | date and time created 89/04/17 22:44:56 by bostic check-in: 49ccd9309a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:43 | convert passwd to shadow passwords check-in: f3ee90c434 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:40 | date and time created 89/04/17 22:40:33 by bostic check-in: 21af605f29 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:39 | date and time created 89/04/17 22:39:23 by bostic check-in: ef1fb1f79b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:38 | date and time created 89/04/17 22:38:32 by bostic check-in: 7672b2ceb0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:30 | use hostname -s check-in: 11cd32dd5b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:25 | look for checked-out files; file reorg check-in: 88876afcec user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:23 | date and time created 89/04/17 22:23:53 by bostic check-in: fe35c84ddf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:21 | reorg, minor cleanups check-in: 3eaf38d533 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:15 | from /etc to /var/run check-in: 440afdb772 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:14 | atrun -> /usr/libexec check-in: fdf54ebb98 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:12 | no longer in /etc; add copyright, SCCS id's check-in: 5c9533eda0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:06 | move daemons into /usr/libexec check-in: b3cdac8ef6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:34 | move utmp, wtmp to /var check-in: 39226f7884 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:46 | no longer in /etc check-in: 1e75c8f2f3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:43 | date and time created 89/04/17 19:43:13 by bostic check-in: 546dbe4db4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:04 | add rwho directory path check-in: b6b99fba61 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:54 | this should get install from *somewhere* check-in: 2197843b49 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:25 | date and time created 89/04/15 16:25:02 by bostic check-in: c75da633b1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:24 | date and time created 89/04/15 16:24:48 by bostic check-in: d606e58d70 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:31 | *sigh* can't use something needing sys/types.h check-in: f0e52ba8c1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:31 | update for ANSI printf, plus some reworking; from Chris Torek check-in: 35c5282e74 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:30 | /usr/dict/words -> /usr/share/dict/words check-in: 02138972fd user: marc tags: trunk | |
17:16 | race on fopen/fchmod; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/bin/20; minor lint check-in: 909fd582a7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:03 | longname() steps on the second variable it is passed, so copy type into xtype so it isn't stepped on when you are least suspecting it. from John Gilmore check-in: 5baff1478a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:55 | date and time created 89/04/13 14:55:11 by bostic check-in: 0a5352f450 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:50 | added final :'s to 11 entries check-in: 88943cbe90 user: jak tags: trunk | |
06:02 | date and time created 89/04/13 10:02:06 by bostic check-in: 44cc383f08 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:02 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 7101a6a067 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:39 | date and time created 89/04/12 21:39:12 by bostic check-in: 88b5e28de3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:26 | date and time created 89/04/12 21:26:11 by bostic check-in: 1d85e7b6bb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:26 | date and time created 89/04/12 21:26:00 by bostic check-in: 040d585aea user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:32 | add pathnames.h, move config files, if no config file, just play check-in: c1beb73951 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:29 | no need for copyright check-in: 84bad6ae66 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:49 | set limits on maximum size of uio's check-in: 2e647de120 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:45 | add types for mount table entries and vnodes check-in: cc4238d732 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:42 | add IOV allocation type check-in: 34bdb393cd user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
08:44 | date and time created 89/04/12 12:44:35 by bostic check-in: b8302a5cc3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:43 | ANSI C sprintf check-in: c63e512207 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:42 | date and time created 89/04/12 12:42:25 by bostic check-in: e6a298e263 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:42 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 7385332fd0 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
08:25 | date and time created 89/04/12 12:25:45 by bostic check-in: ae254f6aba user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:19 | don't attempt to recover the password file! check-in: 62e2d7795e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:17 | date and time created 89/04/12 12:17:12 by bostic check-in: e66825ede3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:15 | date and time created 89/04/12 11:15:31 by bostic check-in: 134e3d841a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:34 | mv zoneinfo check-in: 7a13897b88 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:30 | date and time created 89/04/12 10:30:50 by bostic check-in: 103959d9b3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:12 | date and time created 89/04/11 18:12:37 by bostic check-in: b2ab0bc563 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:12 | date and time created 89/04/11 18:12:36 by bostic check-in: 11fbb82a72 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:19 | date and time created 89/04/11 17:19:38 by bostic check-in: 08c18fbb01 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:44 | date and time created 89/04/11 14:44:39 by bostic check-in: 91248b9de3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:43 | date and time created 89/04/11 14:43:47 by bostic check-in: a9a34e24c2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:15 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 78691a73d1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:11 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 3fde41e0ba user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:11 | added km, IC, and DC to sun entry, as per rms check-in: cd7d125cb0 user: jak tags: trunk | |
05:57 | do quiz categories explicitly check-in: e95836dc24 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:47 | tzfile.h got changed check-in: f96eb797ae user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:42 | csu moved check-in: 91e3b8c849 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:03 | minor lint cleanups; fix read error reportage to be consistent KNF everywhere check-in: 0f6d3b4fcc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:14 | add errno definition here, instead of perror check-in: 640f32bb87 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:01 | add man page links check-in: bcdd2c30b7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:00 | be nastier about not using dbm check-in: 73676dd560 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:58 | add man page links check-in: ae843335f9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:51 | add man page links check-in: 7d38348f1c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:25 | put in obsoletion notice check-in: 89bcde2a45 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:22 | put in obsoletion notice check-in: d0812e6466 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:12 | add man page check-in: 2889e0e301 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:12 | add man page check-in: 72a369fbbf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:02 | add man page check-in: 54a68c806f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:54 | add man page check-in: 507ea3ff52 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:50 | add Berkeley copyright notice, delete CSRG AUTHOR, delete subsections check-in: 1a4ac89f2c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:30 | Netherlands entry wrong; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/games/2 check-in: 0327154b8a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:50 by bostic check-in: 091281ece7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:49 by bostic check-in: 2aa44ff744 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:48 by bostic check-in: 57a30a0394 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:47 by bostic check-in: fff59a8160 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:46 by bostic check-in: 3dbaacf89e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:45 by bostic check-in: c09b9b38b2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:44 by bostic check-in: 16c057611e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:43 by bostic check-in: fa95f157c7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:42 by bostic check-in: c4bf42c9c9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:41 by bostic check-in: 90c5ccc691 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:40 by bostic check-in: 0c9f372d0e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:39 by bostic check-in: 4502aea4ca user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:38 by bostic check-in: c62e74543b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:37 by bostic check-in: 7cb9274c3c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:36 by bostic check-in: b37cefe000 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:35 by bostic check-in: a5cf9bd029 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:34 by bostic check-in: fb95e8a006 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:33 by bostic check-in: b6f3035b3b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:32 by bostic check-in: f2e2a20b5d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:30 by bostic check-in: 43a9c9b21d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:29 by bostic check-in: ae0f767259 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | date and time created 89/04/10 08:22:28 by bostic check-in: a3fc1e2291 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 6c6fd48b55 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
| ||
19:43 | unlink the file if it's bad so it won't stick around check-in: ee7dbbbc63 user: edward tags: trunk | |
18:48 | put pwd.h after types.h check-in: d7deb83ccd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:47 | include pwd.h last for types.h check-in: 22dbeda368 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:58 | add Sun flags to correct deficiencies in X3J11 spec check-in: f87523a7d3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:43 | do it the way Sun did it, I think it's right for S5, too (sigh) check-in: 599098926b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:41 | do it the way Sun did it, I think it's right for S5, too (sigh) check-in: 4b05514fc8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:29 | $s is now 1024 check-in: ce85538c60 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:28 | fix search offset check-in: 1ce5e5210f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:45 | separate strerror() and make perror() call it. check-in: 60c4f29fe2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:42 | date and time created 89/04/09 17:42:03 by bostic check-in: ecbb39a46e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:11 | fix synopsis statement check-in: 9c62701930 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:16 | typo check-in: 916755c276 user: torek tags: trunk | |
12:16 | simplify check-in: 5272276b62 user: torek tags: trunk | |
12:16 | fix :r breakpoint-skipping code; simplify; comment check-in: c1a9ec9c58 user: torek tags: trunk | |
12:13 | fix egregious bug in varlookup() check-in: 49c1ac16a7 user: torek tags: trunk | |
11:06 | nwo that ^ works as documented, use only 1 check-in: d218ad7e58 user: torek tags: trunk | |
11:04 | now that ^ works as documented, use only 1 check-in: 69a48b0db5 user: torek tags: trunk | |
10:46 | clean up mkdep invocation check-in: 634f17c87d user: torek tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:50 | compat: move/swab sa_family for oaccept (XXX) check-in: 1a57184a1b user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:48 | add iso, route domains (sklower); compute packet size constants dynamically check-in: f98d95f941 user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:47 | malloc sockets (by sklower) check-in: 9af4b4b50d user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:41 | cleanups check-in: 630faa5f04 user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:37 | rev 7 check-in: e2d69dea23 user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:35 | script to build init_sysent.c, etc check-in: 0940913600 user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:34 | master input for init_sysent.c, etc check-in: 483dbc7e1a user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:35 | sockaddr len check-in: 659ac03698 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:34 | sockaddr len check-in: fc88eebaf2 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:33 | IP_HDRINCL, separate raw_inpcb struct (by sklower) check-in: fb1050df4d user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:29 | add arg to tcp_respond check-in: fc07e23493 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:21 | sockaddr lens check-in: 778d52b059 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:18 | update record-route according to incoming interface if we're the destination, bypassing routing (which might use the loopback!) check-in: a0e8a0107d user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:16 | new mbufs, route structures check-in: 1917324e27 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:15 | MIN->min; use max_linkhdr check-in: fabd335358 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:56 | add posix macros, update for wait4. (still need to hack _posix_source_) check-in: 339c80b84c user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:43 | checkpoint working iso code; start adding iso/ip encapsulation check-in: eeab71c530 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:18 | add man page check-in: 6056578038 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:09 | add man page check-in: 0ec47e5612 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:05 | add -I.. for mathimpl.h check-in: 50068e2a3c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | add other man pages check-in: ed4d4b945a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:01 | larger buffer for in conv() for long drawing commands, and circles shouldn't change current position check-in: 6a81899c43 user: edward tags: trunk | |
11:46 | add pathnames.h check-in: 11315b5319 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:46 | add pathnames.h check-in: ce02301a93 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:44 | add pathnames.h check-in: 49d9c6d1c5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:43 | date and time created 89/04/02 15:43:04 by bostic check-in: 479739ccf0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:37 | add pathnames.h check-in: c72e9a41a2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:36 | date and time created 89/04/02 15:36:52 by bostic check-in: c1f77b8ee4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:35 | use utmp path from utmp.h check-in: 997f2c0bcc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:33 | date and time created 89/04/02 15:33:37 by bostic check-in: f9f635a5ef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:33 | add pathnames.h check-in: 85e5dbb810 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:12 | add pathnames.h, fix tzfile check-in: 8e63a210b2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:10 | date and time created 89/04/02 15:10:58 by bostic check-in: 44979a1ac8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:07 | add pathnames.h check-in: f35e18e60c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:03 | add pathnames.h check-in: 989b693dfa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:02 | date and time created 89/04/02 15:02:56 by bostic check-in: fd4dc6ac54 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:01 | add pathnames.h check-in: 8963b3fc36 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:49 | add pathnames.h check-in: 00f151e125 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:48 | date and time created 89/04/02 14:48:55 by bostic check-in: 501412d570 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:47 | add pathnames.h check-in: 732a925ba6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:46 | date and time created 89/04/02 14:46:44 by bostic check-in: dd74b986b1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:43 | add pathnames.h check-in: 5c2c982cd5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:43 | date and time created 89/04/02 14:43:07 by bostic check-in: 09373453de user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:41 | add pathnames.h check-in: ada1a4e025 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:40 | date and time created 89/04/02 14:40:22 by bostic check-in: f56a97daed user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:38 | add pathnames.h check-in: 4061f3231b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:23 | add pathnames.h, lint/error message consistency check-in: 2d35ff22c1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:17 | add pathnames.h check-in: 59c2e87d37 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:17 | date and time created 89/04/02 14:17:05 by bostic check-in: 21a81a57e5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:14 | add pathnames.h check-in: 5c74ed8cea user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:13 | date and time created 89/04/02 14:13:04 by bostic check-in: b3bc2371a8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:11 | remove -d flag, it has no effect; minor reformatting check-in: 0782afa084 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:10 | lint, add pathnames.h check-in: aa481404db user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:41 | add pathnames.h, getopt (make -l option -L and -l); lint check-in: ed0a33f318 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:05 | date and time created 89/04/02 13:05:16 by bostic check-in: 084f6a8799 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:51 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:51:28 by bostic check-in: 89de689955 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:51 | add pathnames.h check-in: f0bb2b2e25 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:46 | grab wtmp path from utmp.h check-in: e1bd844a1f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:45 | use utmp.h for WTMPFILE define check-in: 676ccab149 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:43 | add pathnames.h, make errors more consistent check-in: 2d06a486ff user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:36 | add paths.h check-in: 81a1d83814 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:34 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:34:00 by bostic check-in: a7dd7ed341 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:33 | add pathnames.h check-in: 4def435530 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:33 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:33:12 by bostic check-in: 99e791b17a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:31 | add pathnames.h check-in: 6c73811668 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:31 | add pathnames.h check-in: 566dfcd43f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:30 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:30:51 by bostic check-in: 225c425640 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:30 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:30:21 by bostic check-in: 9345b8b530 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:24 | add pathnames.h check-in: 9aec31b0d9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:22 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:22:14 by bostic check-in: 82209cfa05 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:21 | add pathnames.h check-in: c96cbfd799 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:20 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:20:09 by bostic check-in: 78ba403720 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:18 | add pathnames.h check-in: d734b10bbb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:17 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:17:47 by bostic check-in: 4ef167afeb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:13 | add pathnames.h check-in: d531342835 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:11 | date and time created 89/04/02 12:11:13 by bostic check-in: 17224c58ce user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:09 | add pathnames.h check-in: e0ef4ecd12 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:06 | use utmp.h paths, sizes check-in: 873d85dd2e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:04 | add wtmp check-in: f0257b4c27 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:59 | rest of pathnames check-in: 0968f2d927 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:57 | rest of pathnames check-in: 46aeece0fa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:54 | missed a few paths check-in: 4d368b4c16 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:15 | remove subsection designations check-in: 35650cf38c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:35 | bcopy/bzero don't return any value check-in: 47607c6b22 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:32 | bcopy and bzero don't return any value check-in: 4ccbca9432 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:00 | add LOG_NEWS, LOG_CRON, etc.; use .TP, not .IP check-in: 631609611b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:17 | kludge to make undeleting an undeleted message work check-in: 0d1540a338 user: edward tags: trunk | |
08:09 | added -DUSE_OLD_TTY check-in: 07d4f08505 user: edward tags: trunk | |
07:14 | null dereference! check-in: 25d67474e1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
11:01 | sped it up by 20% check-in: 2fb779d5ef user: jak tags: trunk | |
07:29 | add man directory check-in: c95aa3183b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:25 | date and time created 89/03/29 12:25:39 by bostic check-in: 226c85f0b6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
05:54 | correct description of syntax (4.3BSD-tahoe/man/4, Guy Harris) check-in: 1e71b70506 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:31 | date and time created 89/03/27 15:31:16 by sklower check-in: a6629d507e user: sklower tags: trunk | |
04:36 | buffer overflow, day fencepost check-in: 49df54b580 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:18 | clean up copyright, link man page to crontab(5) check-in: 9688c9fa73 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:39 | if password less than 8 chars, it uses the newline check-in: 71d8ca71dd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:28 | embedded assignments are dangerous; Auspex port found this one check-in: 13308955da user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:28 | date and time created 89/03/26 20:28:15 by marc check-in: 3fb132f972 user: marc tags: trunk | |
13:24 | setgid before setuid; bug report 4.3BSD/bin/226 check-in: b33a47db61 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:01 | date and time created 89/03/24 14:01:49 by marc check-in: 0b56dc7c7c user: marc tags: trunk | |
09:01 | date and time created 89/03/24 14:01:47 by marc check-in: 8e6f979bd3 user: marc tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:49 | don't choke on long multiline responses, eg help messages check-in: 981842ef0c user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:48 | determine system type with or without autologin check-in: c54eef6274 user: karels tags: trunk | |
07:06 | base level changes for var length sockaddrs check-in: 33e42fe874 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:30 | Keep track of each side's idea of what the state of each option is. check-in: e5b0aa221d user: minshall tags: trunk | |
12:47 | print local, remote filenames only if remapped or non-prompting, verbose multi-file transfer (and print before rather than after transfer) check-in: e9baafb3ba user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:24 | changes from Dave Borman: add site, umask, chmod, idle commands; try Xxxx directory commands if standard versions don't work; non-verbose PWD is not useful check-in: 9759aee456 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:04 | ls has private getfile check-in: a32ae0e775 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:03 | omments? allow more than one dir to be listed, ^D<CR> to end; cleanups check-in: 44b2e7b736 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:02 | one colon will do; null is a character check-in: 45f75afad3 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:08 | print "Boot" again if prog exits; put back "Bad format" check-in: 863265ebf5 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:52 | Mods from DDP, et al, for LFLOW, TSPEED, and NAWS support. check-in: 507563772d user: minshall tags: trunk | |
15:44 | Newer telnet.h check-in: 7e7a7afa08 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
15:41 | Fixes from G. Marcy via DDP. check-in: a4ead85428 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
| ||
08:21 | check one filesystem per disk until done, ignoring pass numbers > 1 check-in: 54bc5ea216 user: karels tags: trunk | |
07:57 | update and correct nits check-in: f074c249a7 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:10 | This seems necessary to get things to work. check-in: 639b87026c user: minshall tags: trunk | |
12:55 | Install in /usr/libexec, just like rlogind. check-in: d4cc1fff4b user: minshall tags: trunk | |
12:49 | This version *may* be a bit better in receiving weird terminal speeds. check-in: dfa4761d29 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
12:49 | Update to telnetd with the CMU mods for window size, etc., installed. check-in: e23966d2aa user: minshall tags: trunk | |
12:21 | This is with CMU mods for window size, terminal speed, and flow control put in. check-in: 24a33854ad user: minshall tags: trunk | |
04:47 | from scratch; leave '/' on end of all pathnames check-in: 449e98c019 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:10 | wait3 always gets restarted check-in: 10a1cac5ee user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:27 | update from Arthur Olson check-in: a2858413c0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:27 | date and time created 89/03/17 18:27:20 by bostic check-in: 52272adbf2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:27 | Automatic directory addition check-in: ec654d4812 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
11:53 | more cleanup check-in: 604fcf4514 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:51 | don't let user force core dump; KNF some Kerberos stuff; make date printf's work for 2000's, minor cleanups check-in: 3b3fa23bbc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:46 | add in -r flag for shadow password package check-in: ad8a13d766 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:32 | add Berkeley specific copyright notices check-in: ce49e51ad0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:18 | revision for SPO, hopefully going out this way check-in: 0302a8fd6d user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:29 | use passwd.{pag,dir} check-in: 8eb2efae6e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:29 | use passwd.{pag,dir} check-in: 0d4afe725c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:29 | rearrange re-edit code; use passwd.{pag,dir} check-in: 614619f3c9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:23 | use passwd.{pag,dir} with master.passwd for backward compat check-in: 942b1de1e8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:58 | allow re-editing of file if reject entries check-in: 2d98977264 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:53 | date and time created 89/03/16 20:53:28 by bostic check-in: 9c017e471e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:48 | make it work for us check-in: 6be776f5b8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:41 | latest Olson/Harris time package check-in: bcb3cc3984 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:34 | remove offtime, timegm, timeoff check-in: 073327a924 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:29 | date and time created 89/03/16 17:29:32 by bostic check-in: 46738e4c87 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:29 | Automatic directory addition check-in: c2ac066ba9 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
12:20 | from Chris Newcomb; new version of du, plus bug fixes check-in: f4172c220e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:09 | archive early multicast stuff check-in: a7cc375ee2 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
16:03 | warn on use of upper-case or dot in user name check-in: 312ebccef7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:03 | new tzfile.h check-in: 76491b5111 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:55 | document illegal characters check-in: cd4a020b14 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:52 | document login characters, minor cleanups check-in: 446d569461 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:28 | only executable by group dialer check-in: bdcb560927 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:34 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 10dad67cff user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:31 | put all the old flags back in, make interdependence more explicit check-in: 5c85d299ef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:47 | merge 5.4 and 5.5, general cleanup check-in: c950a7b0c0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:31 | remove the -b, -e, -n, -s, -t, -v flags; quit using stdio; malloc read/write buffer check-in: d8b3b51402 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
08:44 | if %x changes, %c has to too check-in: db6f9b43e4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:39 | check before indirection, several format bug fixes, minor cleanups check-in: d4d4c6b761 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:22 | use new tzfile.h; don't display on error, just exit check-in: 87a9566ba4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:00 | create pathnames.h check-in: f5151c0221 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:24 | update copyright date check-in: 9678e1dd68 user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:40 | for marc; hushlogin for password expiration and Kerberos messages check-in: 79ca1758b5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:33 | fix buffering for send_packet, add to protocol for errors on server check-in: d5273eabb1 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
18:32 | remote errors handled correctly, no null pw's, use new library calls check-in: fd7570f315 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:39 by bostic check-in: 853c9eb32a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:38 by bostic check-in: 954e2b7fc3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:37 by bostic check-in: da9292c25e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:36 by bostic check-in: f5708d6efd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:35 by bostic check-in: 4f83f95d1f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:34 by bostic check-in: a8aa0a6557 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:33 by bostic check-in: cd09196e29 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:32 by bostic check-in: 88835b8490 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:31 by bostic check-in: 68624183b3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:30 by bostic check-in: fb7f74dcc6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:29 by bostic check-in: e16adafe2f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:28 by bostic check-in: 17db08637b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:27 by bostic check-in: fa8630c542 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:26 by bostic check-in: dd15fb07b3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:45:24 by bostic check-in: b184a25648 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:43 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:43:22 by bostic check-in: 499b6526ff user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:40 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:40:51 by bostic original Harris distribution check-in: 2dccdb73dc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:40 | Automatic directory addition check-in: a9723161ee user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
16:21 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:21:36 by bostic check-in: 6dfd8066b1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:20 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:20:05 by bostic check-in: c7a5b9a7f9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:20 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 6c63d8231a user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
16:18 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:18:30 by bostic check-in: 6d0dd1669c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:17 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:17:50 by bostic check-in: 5eb605aa69 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:17 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:17:19 by bostic check-in: 939075fc8c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:16 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:16:47 by bostic check-in: 8bd79eb420 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:16 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:16:07 by bostic check-in: ec4b050069 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:15 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:15:27 by bostic check-in: 859d4739ea user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:13 | date and time created 89/03/13 21:13:45 by bostic check-in: d7ee5b85d7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:54 | oops - add back posix job control and termios changes check-in: c9ffa0dd3d user: marc tags: trunk | |
| ||
11:32 | latest Olson/Harris time package check-in: cd4e5e9e8b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:31 | latest Olson/Harris time package check-in: 8ee2fbfc33 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:09 | add System V/P1003.2 formats check-in: cac2b8e283 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:03 | add System V/P1003.2 formats check-in: c5a9f44739 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:39 | add -a option, minor cleanups check-in: 0b8ddae70d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:07 | allow root to edit encrypted passwords check-in: c7f7b80e0c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:36 | reenter editor if corrupted password file check-in: a01e763c32 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:32 | reenter editor if corrupted password file check-in: bdb3fd6ba4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:56 | document strsep's use in the C library check-in: 5a4b07ae4a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:52 | redo from scratch; clean up semantics, make consistent with getpwent check-in: f71545be62 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:41 | new version from Kevin Fall check-in: 2e09c87312 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:23 | remove extra flags, redo from POSIX 1003.2 manual page check-in: 483b3d17ef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:22 | new version from Kevin Fall -- only lightly tested! last version to have old flags. check-in: b90a62cba0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
05:33 | marc's changes: malloc uio if too large, ktrace check-in: b22981bcf9 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:44 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 040937a489 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:01 | define error return, promote int's to long's. check-in: 1cf63e1b81 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:51 | date and time created 89/03/09 17:51:34 by bostic check-in: 67265a3b68 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:45 | date and time created 89/03/09 17:45:42 by bostic check-in: 88ad50aa84 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:52 | date and time created 89/03/09 16:52:06 by bostic check-in: cab60c1292 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:29 | make empty fields work, get rid of pw_class keywords check-in: dd78c7702d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:28 | make empty fields work, get rid of pw_class keywords check-in: f9143e9194 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:25 | oops, 24-bit addressing gets 15Mb, not 8 check-in: d36fa42dd2 user: karels tags: trunk | |
07:09 | cloned from ../BAA.unix/V2A.t check-in: a1ff8fa46b user: karels tags: trunk | |
07:09 | cloned from ../BAA.unix/I.t check-in: e1b8a7ec98 user: karels tags: trunk | |
07:09 | cloned from ../BAA.unix/A.t check-in: 4bf7b6eeb1 user: karels tags: trunk | |
06:52 | as submitted to SPO check-in: 88bc185da0 user: karels tags: trunk | |
06:52 | as submitted check-in: bdab3c83fa user: karels tags: trunk | |
06:20 | date and time created 89/03/09 11:20:07 by sklower check-in: d66e5a070b user: sklower tags: trunk | |
06:20 | date and time created 89/03/09 11:20:06 by sklower check-in: a35be88a7c user: sklower tags: trunk | |
06:19 | date and time created 89/03/09 11:19:24 by sklower check-in: 365649d51a user: sklower tags: trunk | |
06:19 | date and time created 89/03/09 11:19:23 by sklower check-in: 6f7191ddd9 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
04:37 | use strpbrk, not any check-in: 4566d66c65 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:27 | use strpbrk(3), not any check-in: 8f5bfa20eb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:36 | formerly bold paragraphs fixed, plus typos check-in: d26caad7b0 user: jak tags: trunk | |
11:46 | initialize sa_len field for sockaddrs check-in: 84bd096eea user: sklower tags: trunk | |
11:46 | make it compile... check-in: 9d12824e39 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:22 | typos check-in: c7129eba2f user: jak tags: trunk | |
11:04 | date and time created 89/03/08 16:04:05 by bostic check-in: 84e8d550ae user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:45 | from scratch, for ANSI, yank to 5.1 check-in: b619f283ce user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:23 | allow empty gecos fields check-in: bbb74bf2e5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:46 | date and time created 89/03/07 20:46:08 by bostic check-in: f5ebcf676f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:30 | allow different error messages to each appear once check-in: 014605b4cf user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:59 | first working version check-in: 2c44833b48 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:59 | first working version check-in: 8058363e30 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:33 | add Berkeley specific copyright, networking release check-in: edb49988a9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:26 | Berkeley specific copyright notcie check-in: c9e185b99d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:52 | add Berkeley copyright, networking release check-in: 9be4dfaaac user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:25 | add utmp path check-in: 93eb765d1c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:20 | add Berkeley specific copyright, networking release check-in: 935ac9f818 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:04 | add Berkeley specific copyright, networking release check-in: a0eb393477 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:59 | add Berkeley specific copyright, for networking release check-in: 7db1fc8dbb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:56 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 4780e31b3e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:54 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice, networking release check-in: 813a4134fe user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:53 | install Berkeley specific copyright, for networking release check-in: 2ba2cf0463 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
19:34 | new getlogin using getlogname syscall; plus cuserid library call check-in: eedecad7d1 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
19:26 | add get/set logname system calls check-in: 9efa91c7ea user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:44 | I can't think of a reason to allow ``24XX'' as settable time. check-in: b209e561dd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:41 | add setpassent/setgroupent to speed up user uid/gid access check-in: 2a61293944 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:40 | rewritten from getpwent.3; cleanup, add setgroupent() check-in: 457068adc3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:52 | instrs -> instrs.adb check-in: c14c73f884 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:27 | typo? check-in: 2563064aa2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:25 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: e1af35c76c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:25 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: 4567866671 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:24 | typo... check-in: 3cc7b86168 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:22 | use setpassent, not _pw_stayopen check-in: 0b582b936a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:20 | missing FRC label check-in: 6972916aa8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:19 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: 454dc70a1e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:18 | less verbose... check-in: e8311f4d44 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:14 | don't run the editor setuid; more secure and fixes vi bug check-in: 0b7f9ad7e9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:56 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: 571cedb706 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:56 | add all label check-in: 9eb6898928 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:55 | move man pages into source tree, cleanup, no more manroff check-in: 13a56d18f2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:53 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: 5c6d3db9c4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:52 | add cleandir check-in: 72610c579c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:51 | add cleandir label check-in: 371b3fdcdf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:49 | cleanup check-in: 86c9aaa1af user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:48 | cleanup, add cleadir, copyright check-in: c39a1fd38f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:43 | move man pages into source tree check-in: cf81bb4e4e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:14 | move man pages into source tree check-in: bb8f410321 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:13 | move man pages into src tree check-in: 46b010175b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:07 | move man pages into source tree check-in: 85a84f6267 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:05 | move man pages into source tree check-in: 4379bd9194 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:02 | move man pages into source tree check-in: f5f6d7d8c9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:58 | move man pages into source tree check-in: 033c18de4d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:54 | move man pages into source tree check-in: c9776bb07e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:29 | nor does make want to hear your pithy little comments check-in: 715dca4d8f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:46 | cleanup, add cleandir check-in: c6e4d761c5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:45 | cleanup, add cleandir check-in: deb609b306 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:44 | cleanup, add cleandir check-in: a23ef7ad77 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:42 | OK_TO_PLAY no longer necessary, we have dm(8) check-in: 5e78287120 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:41 | cleanup, reformat check-in: fdebd0c6be user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:40 | add cleandir label, cleanup check-in: 69f7883b7b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:39 | cleandir label, cleanup check-in: d1da1947cd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:27 | add cleandir lable check-in: 367bd37c02 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:24 | add pathnames.h, getopt(3); lint cleanups, error cleanups check-in: 6a94ab9d85 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:13 | add cleandir, cleanup check-in: 48c9947326 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:12 | add cleandir label check-in: e7aeda6d96 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:01 | add search path names check-in: 544cf2a8c2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:58 | add pathnames.h check-in: 7f1c52c7d1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:55 | add pathnames.h, _PATH_UTMP check-in: 3974dd39ed user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:53 | add pathnames.h check-in: 914a0404c2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:53 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:53:06 by bostic check-in: d0ae1f8b4b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:49 | put sccsid's back in... check-in: e706acd91c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:49 | add check-in: 56ba57a653 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:48 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:48:59 by bostic check-in: 5b3d0a8da9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:45 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:45:30 by bostic check-in: 66c6d12202 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:34 | forgot one check-in: 14a7343c13 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:33 | add pathnames.h check-in: 48837aa956 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:33 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:33:30 by bostic check-in: 9b51cef3c4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:30 | add pathnames.h check-in: d08b2753c6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:30 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:30:06 by bostic check-in: 235aaff15e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:28 | add pathnames.h check-in: c186f1d982 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:28 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:28:28 by bostic check-in: 18c9b4bd76 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:25 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:25:12 by bostic check-in: 39984dde9c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:24 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:24:00 by bostic check-in: dee23eece6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:23 | pathnames.h check-in: 0c781817de user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:21 | add pathnames.h check-in: 9efc9b99d9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:20 | add pathnames.h check-in: 53d5fe624f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:18 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:18:53 by bostic check-in: cd4b4decb6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:16 | add pathnames.h check-in: e36ad38c38 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:16 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:16:46 by bostic check-in: 6b014de5fd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:12 | date and time created 89/03/05 21:12:24 by bostic check-in: 3650141520 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:12 | pwd.h needs types.h; add pathnames.h check-in: b478e043d1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:11 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: ebb8561280 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:10 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: c2c0babba1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:46 | pwd.h needs sys/types.h check-in: c6d2d3f3a3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:45 | pwd.h needs sys/types.h check-in: f4aed58bce user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:42 | add all label check-in: 6d0ab39854 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:31 | remove FRC label check-in: 765298b32b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:29 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: 19a5e5be21 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:28 | pwd.h needs sys/types.h check-in: e29179cc8b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:28 | date and time created 89/03/05 20:28:25 by bostic check-in: 21f00879f9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:27 | date and time created 89/03/05 20:27:54 by bostic check-in: 7e17512f54 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:21 | date and time created 89/03/05 20:21:57 by bostic check-in: 5b75b373a5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:21 | cleanup, some machinations no longer needed check-in: bb71be7081 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:20 | make this work with dm(8) -- fix is ugly, but the code is worse check-in: b73cba1b8d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:08 | don't hide files check-in: 655d8fb694 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:01 | cleanup, make it Berkeley's own check-in: 9f1e36554a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:00 | date and time created 89/03/05 19:00:13 by bostic check-in: e850af1981 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:00 | date and time created 89/03/05 19:00:02 by bostic check-in: 780189f52d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:33 by bostic check-in: d5d16b4763 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:32 by bostic check-in: 02a250d986 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:31 by bostic check-in: ee7bc41f7b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:30 by bostic check-in: 20c230e398 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:29 by bostic check-in: 5ef6ef6bc3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:28 by bostic check-in: 1e97f0f6c1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:27 by bostic check-in: 100f1f57fd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:26 by bostic check-in: ba2f27ee95 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:25 by bostic check-in: 1f88d982b4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:24 by bostic check-in: 483b44f9ea user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:23 by bostic check-in: 11756a9ac5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:22 by bostic check-in: a4cbd2c5bb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 4d3a4c3dc7 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:21 by bostic check-in: d695d290af user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:20 by bostic check-in: 3d775c4f9e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:19 by bostic check-in: 5a4f23aeaf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:18 by bostic check-in: c885528943 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:17 by bostic check-in: b64e69278d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:16 by bostic check-in: ce855e6fc5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:15 by bostic check-in: 398460abb3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:14 by bostic check-in: a29bde6fc8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:59 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:59:13 by bostic check-in: dc404ed233 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:56 | don't hide files check-in: 94a37557cc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:54 | date and time created 89/03/05 18:54:39 by bostic check-in: 6186fd141c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:53 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: 5002fc9f3e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:19 | add cleandir label, Berkeley copyright, cleanup check-in: 7d974d451e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:44 | conditional install check-in: a14c9cd429 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:36 | cleanup from David MacKenzie ( check-in: 1aae2c05cc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:35 | cleanup from David MacKenzie ( check-in: b47db585a8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:34 | cleanup from David MacKenzie ( check-in: 0ee73b0f05 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:34 | cleanup from David MacKenzie ( modified by me, use single error routine, don't do it inline check-in: 666e28f257 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:28 | cleanup from David MacKenzie ( check-in: c7e746758e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:26 | cleanup from David MacKenzie ( check-in: bf9ed1f847 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:13 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: e69e825515 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:11 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: 78919d9d86 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:11 | use setpassent(), not _pw_stayopen. check-in: 52ffa18eaf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:07 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: 8ea75a6f20 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:07 | pwd.h needs types.h check-in: f17636fca0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:21 | make less verbose check-in: f7a2fddcb1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:39 | add manual page, Berkeley copyright notice check-in: 1ae3adaca4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:26 | lint; if using getopt, probably using stdio -- simplify check-in: bdfa371f18 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:14 | handle 'chown a b/c' right; 'chdir ..' isn't enough check-in: 5daa749650 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:58 | if compile fails, don't build .depend file check-in: e12af52f7c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:42 | "safe" :cm for h1500 (4.3BSD/etc/102) and for act4 from cgs@umd5 check-in: 2be675b722 user: jak tags: trunk | |
04:40 | add all label check-in: df77ad3a6d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:20 | add sys/types.h for pwd.h check-in: 30e9f86ebc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:52 | add _PATH, comments, setgroupent(), define all routines check-in: d3042b017f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:49 | _pw_set no longer used check-in: 8497734d29 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:01 | firewall for files that are too large check-in: 49d30598b5 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:57 | check for exit caused by uncaught signal check-in: 8d58e55409 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
06:19 | ACT IV example obsoleted by change to termcap entry check-in: 351823ca7f user: jak tags: trunk | |
04:59 | apply prev. delta to branch check-in: 4f0b968790 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:54 | this time it works: make icmp_reflect return RR, timestamp with or without reversed source route check-in: 2b66bc0dd6 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:38 | remove restart for network release check-in: f24b96bf26 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:27 | remove restart, etc on branch check-in: 539e4dec03 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:43 | apply 5.25 to branch check-in: 2443ea32f9 user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:35 | fix what i broke check-in: 4ca6406d74 user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:11 | delete restart code on branch for net release check-in: d30e347f1b user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:53 | add ifdef for restart stuff check-in: 2e8b0c4759 user: karels tags: trunk | |
09:27 | bring up to rev 5 check-in: bd18a36ff2 user: karels tags: trunk | |
09:25 | (some of) my favorite fixes, review changes check-in: fd960f2cd3 user: karels tags: trunk | |
07:21 | make `setitimer(timer_type, &timer, &timer);' work check-in: 3903abedd7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:52 | if -v is undocumented, don't put it in the usage statement check-in: d9e31150e4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:49 | rework to make a bit clearer, minor man page syntax stuff; check-in: d9f09a44cf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
11:30 | pass tabs through just like spaces; Rick Adams request check-in: 57ffd2fda8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:09 | checked in for rick: add restart, size, modtime, newer, syst; switch to binary if both sides are unix; ls uses LIST, (new) nlist uses NLST; add default token to .netrc as wildcard machine check-in: 60554de055 user: karels tags: trunk | |
07:39 | fixed order of tgoto args, zapped reliance on former isprint bug check-in: 158e0c2b03 user: jak tags: trunk | |
07:10 | lots of changes, mostly from Rick Adams: implement restart, stat, site (from Dave Borman), size, mdtm; pointer fixes for cray; more cleanups; proctitle stuff check-in: f09d3b0aac user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:08 | date and time created 89/02/28 04:08:04 by donn check-in: 4f5363ef09 user: donn tags: trunk | |
23:04 | This version will build terminal tables using any compiler, not just PCC. check-in: 678cb572ff user: donn tags: trunk | |
04:55 | add Berkeley specific header for networking release check-in: fdaea5f84c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:47 | add Berkeley specific header for networking release check-in: d174da484a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:16 | add types.h for pwd.h check-in: 3aec65e276 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:35 | minor changes check-in: 58558e85de user: karels tags: trunk | |
10:21 | date and time created 89/02/24 15:21:51 by karels check-in: cc27537093 user: karels tags: trunk | |
09:50 | add cover.t check-in: d5eac808c2 user: karels tags: trunk | |
09:50 | my additions, Sue's comments check-in: 1bdecd5140 user: karels tags: trunk | |
08:57 | my additions, Sue's comments and updated budget check-in: 9416e1277d user: karels tags: trunk | |
08:21 | expand on qualifications of the investigators check-in: f972e32474 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
08:14 | spell out MicroVAXIII models check-in: 6a1cecc0e8 user: karels tags: trunk | |
08:13 | expand on the management section of the proposal check-in: 4ce57a05de user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
08:10 | formating changes check-in: bae1cccccb user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
04:34 | cloned from BAA.unix/B.t check-in: 9a04ef5170 user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:33 | missing .LP for Terminal/window section heading check-in: 47b01f7efc user: jak tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:51 | comments from John Quarterman check-in: df7530ade8 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
18:33 | comments from Linda Branigan check-in: 59da248d70 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
18:27 | editing pass after Keith check-in: 6472beff9e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
18:07 | minor editing check-in: ba1bc62962 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
18:07 | Berkeley copyright check-in: 6bc55c1056 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:35 | date and time created 89/02/23 22:35:31 by mckusick check-in: 7ff6a31051 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:33 | date and time created 89/02/23 22:33:05 by mckusick check-in: 003a209070 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:33 | date and time created 89/02/23 22:33:04 by mckusick check-in: 46ce02b621 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
17:09 | need tbl to run the budget check-in: 556c22c883 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:58 | add provision for volume 2 check-in: 1aeaf72fe4 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:44 | fix footnotes check-in: 0b88403e85 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:42 | fix gecos field ordering to be backward compatible check-in: 9e00a8f03c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:27 | reorganize into three parts instead of one big project check-in: ab8b0379fb user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:07 | add references cited in expanded background material check-in: e8b12d81bf user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
16:06 | expand on the 4.3BSD Tahoe release check-in: 2699a03847 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:34 | date and time created 89/02/23 19:34:09 by mckusick check-in: 9ae5cf35bb user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:34 | break out title check-in: 6045276f39 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:33 | date and time created 89/02/23 19:33:48 by mckusick check-in: d84d68676b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:05 | setting the password clears the change value check-in: 1ae891dad3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:00 | date and time created 89/02/23 19:00:50 by mckusick check-in: e4be331780 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:00 | date and time created 89/02/23 19:00:49 by mckusick check-in: e585cbdf7f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:53 | correctly document change/expire/class fields. check-in: 183d8fce66 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:47 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:47:28 by mckusick check-in: 73daff15ca user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:47 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:47:27 by mckusick check-in: 3f201b2892 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:47 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:47:26 by mckusick check-in: f31b8b7e44 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:47 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 524043dc76 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
13:46 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:46:54 by mckusick check-in: cbd5035076 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:46 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:46:53 by mckusick check-in: d559ef7779 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:46 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:46:52 by mckusick check-in: 048dd92559 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:46 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:46:51 by mckusick check-in: 6278c36081 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:46 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:46:50 by mckusick check-in: db9f1da9a1 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:46 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:46:49 by mckusick check-in: 4dfca93395 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:46 | date and time created 89/02/23 18:46:48 by mckusick check-in: dbc00f6b99 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:46 | Automatic directory addition check-in: c68a91e672 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
13:14 | change expire/change format to ``month dd, year'' check-in: 25027b7d05 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:04 | add shadow passwords to branch for distribution check-in: b9c2191800 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:56 | add password/change account/expiration timeouts check-in: 89efcbaf1d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:51 | reset fieldwidth/precision for each new format check-in: 627ee36a21 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:55 | log and print error if /bin/login can't be exec'ed check-in: 411855c284 user: karels tags: trunk | |
09:52 | remove unnecessary register temp check-in: 1e0d60cdcf user: marc tags: trunk | |
07:55 | document that su password no longer works, cleanup check-in: 44e721e06d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:49 | shadow passwords, setpassent, pretty major reworking check-in: 1a48eac729 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:22 | add Berkeley specific copyright, cleanups check-in: be105eb1d4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:17 | shadow passwords check-in: 096fc34cde user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:15 | from scratch, for shadow passwords check-in: ffc0fb6734 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:13 | explain the fields, what to enter for them; lots from passwd.5 check-in: 1341a48ee1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:01 | login names may not begin with a hyphen check-in: 9364166640 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:24 | it's too easy to write a program that looks like lock but only accepts the root password and starts collecting. check-in: 3c32f3dd05 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:20 | have to call geteuid each time, program may discard permissions check-in: 7f578639cc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:18 | shadow passwords, minor cleanups check-in: b349ee7f6e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:24 | date and time created 89/02/22 17:24:01 by bostic check-in: 92543e7df0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:23 | date and time created 89/02/22 17:23:49 by bostic check-in: 931b0d46d1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:23 | date and time created 89/02/22 17:23:48 by bostic check-in: e30c177aab user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:23 | date and time created 89/02/22 17:23:47 by bostic check-in: 660ed9fc46 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:23 | date and time created 89/02/22 17:23:46 by bostic check-in: a183b467b2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:23 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 14b94d3adc user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
12:22 | shadow passwords check-in: f34869e0f3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:03 | shadow passwords check-in: 91c479e5d6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:15 | shadow passwords check-in: e718773cbf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:14 | shadow passwords check-in: c6e93d1f24 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:05 | shadow passwords check-in: e7d50f1e85 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:02 | shadow passwords check-in: ad4f950af9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:28 | add printable names for type, mode, etc check-in: ad83e2b127 user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:26 | add decls for getlogin() and cuserid() check-in: 892c432b56 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
14:17 | add definition of L_cuserid check-in: adde0d3d85 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:39 | date and time created 89/02/21 16:39:41 by kfall check-in: ed4641e2d2 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:39 | date and time created 89/02/21 16:39:34 by kfall check-in: 15ec97c726 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
10:50 | add budget check-in: 183eeb39ca user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:10 | document -A option check-in: 536b1a35bf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:25 | put back last version - undo dependency on syslimits.h check-in: 6f419843ef user: marc tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:21 | don't use same buffer for input and output, as that leads to race check-in: 61bf17d82c user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:00 | revise location of refer check-in: 870f7bec7f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
09:48 | check whether local machine is same as remote machine (a la printjob.c) check-in: 70fea3957f user: tef tags: trunk | |
09:13 | apply 7.8 to branch check-in: a6e486579e user: karels tags: trunk | |
09:12 | IPOPT_TS_PRESPEC is 3, not 2 check-in: 8353740a93 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:57 | int->long (lint complains if you assign RLIM_INFINITY); add Berkeley copyright notice check-in: f92c1b067e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:58 | use refer from book check-in: aa653f8a15 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:56 | first pass at editing check-in: 878bf5da4d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:24 | date and time created 89/02/18 19:24:03 by mckusick check-in: e405945268 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:24 | date and time created 89/02/18 19:24:02 by mckusick check-in: 3f63da93d7 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:54 | date and time created 89/02/18 18:54:36 by mckusick check-in: fda0d91bac user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
13:54 | Automatic directory addition check-in: e0a20bb071 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
11:37 | use the right include file check-in: 95a0b31b5a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:41 | new sockaddrs, other touchups check-in: ab34682180 user: karels tags: trunk | |
06:29 | for bostic, I think he's done after 5 months check-in: 56b3c591ab user: karels tags: trunk | |
06:28 | working with dynamic updates, auto-loading timer; tracing additions and fixes check-in: d8f8f22828 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:39 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 505753e195 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:35 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 7fe128a0cf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:26 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: e527703e50 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:02 | add -m flag to override default creation mode for lost+found check-in: 10a95dee1d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:29 | make exit values consistent check-in: 1ec804ac87 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:32 | avoid bad array references (4.3BSD-tahoe/ucb/36) check-in: bc5e96dd1e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
05:44 | larger raw sockbuf limits by default check-in: 860bdf54af user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:43 | patchable raw sockbuf sizes check-in: a7f2016e16 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:36 | branch for net release, apply 7.6 to 7.4 check-in: a91f3d626c user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:34 | fix if name recognition: initial (pos. null) prefix != name, allow > 1 digit check-in: cc2f506423 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:25 | QNIVERT ifdef, reduce number of input buffers; fix reset for delqa; remove trailing blanks check-in: 5700046d30 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:11 | variable length sockaddrs; rename en{_,}* to ether_ check-in: 2edec2feb0 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:05 | try to integrate options fixes in 7.10 into network release check-in: 69f082acde user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:51 | variable length sockaddrs; fix options handling in icmp_reflect (wasn't adjusting ip header len); copy record-route and timestamp into returned options in icmp_reflect check-in: d8b23a2400 user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:45 | update copyright on branch check-in: 46ac65618b user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:43 | oops, this is what was supposed to do check-in: 7e21b23189 user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:41 | new mbufs; fixes for ip_srcroute; allow forwarding of srcroute packets on non-gateway check-in: f91447d9d3 user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:40 | update branch with 7.7-7.10, fixes for ip_srcroute; allow forwarding of srcroute packets on non-gateway check-in: 776d16363a user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:02 | make failure a bit more informative check-in: c3d4606f57 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:50 | exit 0 on success, 1 on failure check-in: bb3a8377a4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:26 | SMTP does not imply IPC; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/usr.lib/6 check-in: 598d9dfd47 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:18 | date and time created 89/02/16 15:18:53 by bostic check-in: 3d643c5bf1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:23 | don't allow more than LINK_MAX links check-in: 273b847814 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:14 | add real max link count check-in: 703f75dd20 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:11 | system limits for POSIX 1003.1; included by include/limits.h check-in: 4d74429ff0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:10 | add syslimits.h for POSIX 1003.1; included by include/limits.h check-in: 12c26e9b7a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:58 | add POSIX 1003.1 defined limits check-in: f857023291 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:56 | move kernel stuf to h/syslimits.h check-in: b6bfc46c28 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:29 | forgot an N) check-in: 514e1bd457 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:11 | bunch of little fixes from someone somewhere check-in: b436d699a2 user: edward tags: trunk | |
07:10 | wait 10ms before going to sleep, and make all nonblocking selects 10ms check-in: f0c51200b5 user: edward tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:06 | Mods from CMU. check-in: 9b28185bf2 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
13:29 | date and time created 89/02/15 18:29:11 by bostic check-in: 79ff80d8e5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:28 | date and time created 89/02/15 18:28:51 by bostic check-in: 9c31ae4f6a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:08 | Berkeley specific copyright check-in: b0ae9069ea user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:59 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 20b831db83 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:57 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: c9f0799ef6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:56 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 17331bcb85 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:28 | add LOG_PERROR check-in: ce29a09de5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:21 | add LOG_PERROR flag check-in: b984e7782d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:08 | add LOG_PERROR check-in: 560eb84bac user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:06 | add LOG_PERROR check-in: 11fa7f5794 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:50 | #ifdef h_errno on NAMED_BIND check-in: f8deb5a202 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:35 | fix '-' parsing; make -l, -s mutually exclusive, KNF cleanups check-in: ea3dd645a3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:06 | use pathname include files; remove IIASA commands; remove newgrp command; add globall .cshrc, .login, and .logout files; minor cleanups check-in: e8f29e83b6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:06 | use pathname include files; remove IIASA commands; remove newgrp command; add globall .cshrc, .login, and .logout files; minor cleanups check-in: c520d48c13 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:52 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: f5cf03f523 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:44 | Berkeley copyright check-in: d341cc58ab user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:32 | update copyright on branch check-in: 7bf043b3f4 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:40 | update branch check-in: a4cb47af1e user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:30 | update branch check-in: 5d44a87c54 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:27 | update copyright on branch check-in: f5126c3c66 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:24 | update copyright on branch check-in: 088a722e79 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:22 | update branch check-in: 8f77dceb06 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:16 | update branch to 7.19 check-in: fd2428114b user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:08 | update copyright on branch check-in: 8389c6194c user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:59 | update branch for net release check-in: 76616673a0 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:47 | correct spelling of merchantAbility check-in: 3fbbb1fa92 user: rick tags: trunk | |
15:39 | add putenv check-in: 31cd1b81a4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:32 | date and time created 89/02/14 20:32:54 by bostic check-in: 83aec2e87f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:53 | wisconsin changes check-in: 39046c53af user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:46 | minor berkeley change concering struct routes check-in: e47edd055a user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:35 | wisconsin changes check-in: f813664016 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:32 | wisconsin changes check-in: 4b929ec332 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:31 | wisconsin changes for DEC bit, etc. check-in: 3067264cb6 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:30 | berkeley changes to deal with new mbufs, different paradigm for headers check-in: be82d7c738 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:24 | wisconsin fixes check-in: 45bd6d29a2 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:22 | include wisconsin revisions check-in: e4af3980ba user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:20 | include wisconsin revisions check-in: fd6d7e0741 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:13 | minimal berkeley change for clusters check-in: 30d932907d user: sklower tags: trunk | |
13:10 | once more, with feeling... update copyright check-in: 5814a47ba5 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:52 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 159ff28085 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:45 | branch for updated copyright for network release check-in: e3a29fdef1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:38 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: e6878358b5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:34 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: b4269e22df user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:23 | remove subsection notation check-in: 5b95e9f334 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:22 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 88a1efc491 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:22 | remove subsection notation check-in: 2eb82251dd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:18 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice, remove subsection notation check-in: 6aabb2abf2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:11 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: e3d15fce6b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:04 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 9a1b2ca781 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:03 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 719a1b8f06 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:00 | remove manual subsections check-in: fb4cd41242 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:58 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 99cda497a2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:57 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 1efb3ffed4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:55 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: dac25d64d5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:54 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 343b7e2870 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:48 | typo... check-in: a27fb2c826 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:38 | new idea... check-in: 530fe9f58c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:50 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 96d77ad0fa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:49 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 8599aab6a7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:48 | add Berkeley specific header check-in: 4bb3466511 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:47 | add Berkeley specific header check-in: 579a770d5b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:46 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 39e5e899ad user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:27 | add new Berkeley copyright notice check-in: b0df73694e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:53 | variable mbox changed to MBOX to be compatible with Sun check-in: f720876504 user: edward tags: trunk | |
18:51 | more accurate error message when editing system mailbox check-in: 765c759107 user: edward tags: trunk | |
18:50 | check for no messages in getmsglist() and first() check-in: 552c134e00 user: edward tags: trunk | |
16:27 | date and time created 89/02/13 21:27:08 by bostic check-in: fdb8fa300e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:22 | document possible loss of precision; no hexadecimal constants check-in: 0179dfef53 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:38 | small changes as per Kirk check-in: 39162f19b3 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:03 | add %i check-in: fa136c2d3c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:53 | add \' check-in: d5d1068279 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:53 | add \\' check-in: 3b71e7d14a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:35 | date and time created 89/02/12 19:35:22 by bostic check-in: c347fcc671 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:35 | date and time created 89/02/12 19:35:15 by bostic check-in: c96e3c0e37 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:35 | Automatic directory addition check-in: e01abfa4ef user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
09:55 | add vsyslog to synopsis line check-in: b359a5f5c9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:05 | written by Len Edmondson, add Berkeley specific header check-in: 9c6eedaafa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:26 | Add "rs" to sun entry; the escape sequence (documented in the SunOS console(4s) manual entry) turns off the annoying "scroll mode" that a Sun console gets into when someone uses vi with the vt100 termcap. check-in: 2a6215959d user: leres tags: trunk | |
09:49 | date and time created 89/02/10 14:49:13 by kfall check-in: 63bbddfbc8 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:49 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 41d7c3fab7 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
08:36 | freely redistributable according to Ken Arnold check-in: e33d60b7cb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:18 | krb library uses euid's; handle appropriately check-in: 8a3483fbed user: kfall tags: trunk | |
19:49 | get service name "eklogin" if encrypted check-in: b1819379c1 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:50 | encrypted rlogin on different port; use nulls as 1st char check-in: 179286f6ac user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:05 | update to new copyright check-in: ac276bdad9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:04 | add cleandir, cleanup check-in: ea5d4b2a6a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:09 | add -e (encrypt) flag, openlog says "rshd", add usage() routine check-in: 642327d335 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
14:54 | don't need kntoln (remove) check-in: c5dc223537 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:59 | define Kerberos flag (uses Kerberos now) check-in: 2c7374c6e8 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
16:59 | use new krb library, correct ownership of ticket file, people w/valid Kerb. passwords but not in pw file get "login incorrect" check-in: 5246e6b873 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:45 | add -r flag for user settable reply intervals; replace dbm with ndbm; remove DATUM, DBREC -- should simply be able to bcopy buffer onto the time_t, shouldn't need all that struct stuff check-in: b1f1d4ac97 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:35 | 3rd try for mike and tom to get this right; this time it's been tested check-in: 964c5c0f78 user: tef tags: trunk | |
15:07 | try to replace standard console on qbus machines only check-in: 7df2a3179f user: tef tags: trunk | |
15:06 | try to replace standard console on qbus machines only check-in: 385d5cbf02 user: tef tags: trunk | |
12:13 | add Berkeley copyright notice; add Tim's copyright notice to random.c check-in: cd8c68ab57 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:23 | on branch, sync with 5.32 check-in: e701da33a1 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:08 | log and ignore source-routing on incoming connections check-in: 25742fbfef user: karels tags: trunk | |
10:38 | on branch, sync with 5.19 check-in: 2873eb3eb9 user: karels tags: trunk | |
10:04 | purge first arg to doit (assume 0 and save the work), log and ignore source-routing on incoming connections check-in: 3f77e21443 user: karels tags: trunk | |
08:33 | only convert case for 7-bit values; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/lib/19 check-in: d4832bfc9c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:58 | Restore sccs ID. check-in: 73add3f8e0 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
14:42 | New minor version. check-in: feb946cca9 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
14:07 | Re-do the byte ordering thing, using the new macros if available. check-in: dc8b6c2e4d user: minshall tags: trunk | |
14:06 | Remove unused #define's. check-in: 20be49c19b user: minshall tags: trunk | |
14:05 | Make Gould compiler happy. check-in: d7d865a99a user: minshall tags: trunk | |
14:05 | Flush NetTrace in case of a crash or loop. check-in: b10a895d7c user: minshall tags: trunk | |
12:31 | add need to include <sys/time.h> (4.3BSD-tahoe/man/2) check-in: fe91796054 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:29 | don't need a for loop check-in: 3b5719914b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:25 | Check address parameters to RA and EUA (else, get infinite loop). check-in: 4194890d64 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
09:46 | fix nmap bug reported by Rick Adams check-in: 64e750aee8 user: csvsj tags: trunk | |
07:43 | need to block SIGCHLD; ignore INT, QUIT, don't just block check-in: 3788a311c7 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
19:51 | added return 0 to some commands check-in: ead5381fdc user: edward tags: trunk | |
11:04 | install depends on ksu check-in: 6223e65600 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:04 | install depends on ksrvtgt check-in: bdb9846926 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:03 | install depends on klist check-in: cb176c88bb user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:03 | install depends on kinit check-in: 60f70cc1d4 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:03 | install depends on kdestroy check-in: c7ab01bf30 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
10:45 | use bcopy to copy file names, we know the length check-in: c6f5c75136 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:43 | add waitpid check-in: 95adecbf0e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:24 | mr-frog reminded me: need to invalidate ptrace cache when subprocess runs. how did I ever forget? check-in: 124da4941d user: torek tags: trunk | |
09:22 | date and time created 89/02/04 14:22:06 by kfall check-in: a0eb26b8d2 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:20 | date and time created 89/02/04 14:20:51 by kfall check-in: 1ee2726623 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:20 | change destination install check-in: 968bbfb155 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:19 | date and time created 89/02/04 14:19:51 by kfall check-in: 8b60384dc5 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:19 | change install destination check-in: 6e22606a2d user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:18 | date and time created 89/02/04 14:18:43 by kfall check-in: 7fc67047aa user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:18 | change install destination check-in: fb39dff1d9 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:17 | date and time created 89/02/04 14:17:28 by kfall check-in: 31934bf639 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:16 | date and time created 89/02/04 14:16:37 by kfall check-in: e37e887a94 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
09:15 | date and time created 89/02/04 14:15:16 by kfall check-in: f5db711627 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:49 | date and time created 89/02/03 23:49:54 by kfall check-in: 48f430a1b9 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
18:49 | many cleanups; don't assume ATHENA.MIT.EDU is realm; don't assume srvtab is in /etc check-in: 2d73ef3642 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
18:32 | date and time created 89/02/03 23:32:07 by kfall check-in: 8fa0fd0ea3 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
18:32 | diddle format for Key Version when using -srvtab check-in: d592f45dab user: kfall tags: trunk | |
18:20 | avoid gets(), show what ticket we're trying for, also, this led to changes in kname_parse.c in the library to allow for instance names containing periods., some general cleanup as well check-in: 18b2c7675c user: kfall tags: trunk | |
18:19 | -g flag is now -O check-in: fadda542de user: kfall tags: trunk | |
18:18 | date and time created 89/02/03 23:18:43 by kfall check-in: 65dbd7c1fc user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:19 | prepend kerberos to includes, cleanup check-in: ab0739edb4 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:03 | date and time created 89/02/03 22:03:52 by kfall check-in: e0b2b10fc4 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:03 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 6d0de78d36 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
17:03 | date and time created 89/02/03 22:03:50 by kfall check-in: cd02d3b0ec user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:03 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 8f9964ef48 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
17:03 | date and time created 89/02/03 22:03:49 by kfall check-in: 261b60ad33 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:03 | Automatic directory addition check-in: adc060a499 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
17:03 | date and time created 89/02/03 22:03:47 by kfall check-in: 909cda1301 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:03 | Automatic directory addition check-in: cb54b67dbc user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
17:03 | date and time created 89/02/03 22:03:45 by kfall check-in: 44e0e46064 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:03 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 424264a2d6 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
17:02 | date and time created 89/02/03 22:02:33 by kfall check-in: 75627f6f02 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:08 | branch without Kerberos (network release) check-in: 34e6b99db7 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:51 | restore SCCS keywords (grrr) check-in: be5b212464 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:50 | not so noisy: don't log failures if same login name succeeds, don't use LOG_ERR for user actions, don't log single mistyped user name if another name is then tried; undo some grot; use KNF! check-in: 7955f0a503 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:37 | install in section 8; link to inetd.conf in section 5 check-in: 252603b7e7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:36 | close pv[1], don't close f (stderr was being lost) check-in: 2d729d4b1e user: kfall tags: trunk | |
12:35 | no change check-in: 5f340f2b51 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:49 | just use max value rather than have machine dependent info here check-in: 3854fbf878 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:28 | make small Kerberos-only-relevant change (for err getting local realm) check-in: 348bfcea56 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
04:02 | remove TIOCGWINSZ #ifdef's check-in: 4564cf6623 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:21 | add ifdef unix in case this gets "ported" to a non-unix system check-in: e773703a69 user: rick tags: trunk | |
13:27 | make work with Kerberos again check-in: fc01914ab0 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:58 | redundant install line check-in: 45fddbbde0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:43 | ../include is gone check-in: 4123453065 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:27 | host address "names" are also ok check-in: d7c762c4cb user: karels tags: trunk | |
17:24 | per kfall, nonlocal is ok check-in: 89ad081cb7 user: karels tags: trunk | |
16:16 | host considered ok if not in local domain check-in: 5cac1e5c07 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:51 | more cleanup check-in: 3853ac9faa user: karels tags: trunk | |
15:47 | sync with current (non-branch) version check-in: 525f5bf125 user: karels tags: trunk | |
15:30 | clean up host address validation code check-in: f2d384e38e user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:35 | branch for network release (no Kerberos), one more time... check-in: cd561a8bab user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:31 | cleanups check-in: 70f67c2c75 user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:30 | fix klogin->login problem when Kerb. unavail, use new getrlm call check-in: f0ecb8e4ab user: kfall tags: trunk | |
13:12 | fix bug which should change kshell->shell when Kerb. unavail. check-in: 6022f9f80e user: kfall tags: trunk | |
12:59 | fix up case when Kerberos isn't available (switch kshell->shell) check-in: d4f63426ea user: kfall tags: trunk | |
12:25 | fix logging, etc. check-in: 7c2deb8329 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
12:11 | add Kerberos ifdefs check-in: 34727ff632 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:51 | add kerberos ifdefs check-in: 4937a179d5 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
10:46 | add SETPROCTITLE define to CFLAGS check-in: b4a5865477 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:43 | add support for REST (restart at arbitrary byte position) SYST (system type); fix chroot bug; add setproctitle (#ifdef'd); clean up 400/500 return codes; make NLST/LIST RFC conformant check-in: e42da8e48b user: rick tags: trunk | |
09:43 | add support for REST (restart at arbitrary byte position) SYST (system type); fix chroot bug; add setproctitle (#ifdef'd); clean up 400/500 return codes; make NLST/LIST RFC conformant check-in: 2d31fa87e7 user: rick tags: trunk | |
08:39 | build ex, not a.out check-in: 9f28c0995e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:37 | lint on fprintf's check-in: 2a5d226a9b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:32 | vi race condition; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/ucb/33 check-in: 75fc3312fb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:02 | document that chroot doesn't change the current directory check-in: ca3d3a6ec6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:32 | don't indirect through null, just because mc file messed up check-in: a825c8099c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:53 | fix chown; don't steal groups or give away files check-in: 6b332dca2d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:43 | ifdef openlog for 4.2BSD systems check-in: dac0e95c41 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:13 | fix some syntax errors (for when KERBEROS is defined) check-in: 5b8c8ffdb0 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
13:02 | double check hostname from gethostbyaddr, add kerberos ifdefs check-in: ec8f1b057d user: kfall tags: trunk | |
12:24 | typo in attach routines; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/sys/34 check-in: e0d1a15bf3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:37 | double check host name returned by gethostbyaddr, more logging check-in: 4a1630d22b user: kfall tags: trunk | |
08:04 | add Kerberos ifdefs and bzero password ASAP check-in: ae30f0e18e user: kfall tags: trunk | |
08:02 | add note about zero-ing passwords check-in: e2b508307f user: kfall tags: trunk | |
07:46 | close UDP ports, too; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/etc/10 check-in: 98d5120d09 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:56 | don't hang if 2nd connection doesn't arrive before first closes down check-in: 07a5d79146 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
11:26 | don't allow time of 2400; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/usr.bin/9 check-in: cddfc0d0fb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:12 | add getopt(); lint and general minor cleanups; add space for daemons to overwrite environment for ps check-in: 7a1ba67464 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:15 | document -n flag check-in: b5df239820 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:14 | no more subsections check-in: a2e81dad74 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:50 | add -n flag to turn off keepalives check-in: e0d798cb02 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:35 | can output chars with 8th bit set; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/usr.lib/5 check-in: e304a99be0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:53 | exit if write fails, exit 1 on failure, minor cleanups check-in: f02a7e6a8b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:48 | date and time created 89/01/23 09:48:17 by bostic check-in: c3883e7cdb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:46 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: d1804a5555 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:43 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 3915b4ab6d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:41 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 329adaabad user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:41 | date and time created 89/01/23 09:41:32 by bostic check-in: ffca62ee88 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:22 | fix up usage statement check-in: 27e6d92843 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
| ||
06:42 | null pointer dereference check-in: 83524eefbb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:03 | remove vplotf on clean check-in: 0be4b196f8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:22 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: ad3ccb85c5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:03 | have to leave instrs.adb around, kernel uses it for kdb check-in: 768c2509ae user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:23 | redo/comment/add args to sendmail; minor cleanups check-in: 20e33227bc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:21 | cleanup check-in: 52746def57 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:21 | clean out the deadwood check-in: 7e59a76c3e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:56 | make ps more informative; from Rick Adams/David Comay check-in: 4bc62a2732 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:41 | end format string, you silly boy! check-in: 850271f6c8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:12 | allow -oMr and -oMs; rmail wishes to set them check-in: 6fc034ec14 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:03 | written by Kurt Shoens; add Berkeley copyright check-in: 6f9e542939 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:01 | original Berkeley code; add Berkeley copyright notice check-in: 130c370e1b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:39 | define protocol used for them as wants it check-in: 35ccbde925 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:46 | simplify: starting new process is like restarting old, since setup() fishes out the start PC; junk the `new process' flag. Fix starting with single step: exect() works only on VAX, execve() works everywhere. check-in: 9cff167a61 user: torek tags: trunk | |
12:43 | oops, complain about a.out and core files iff given as arguments check-in: c5d9dfd80f user: torek tags: trunk | |
10:07 | :s on new process should not decrement run count check-in: 537f840d75 user: torek tags: trunk | |
06:20 | keep sccs away from %R% conversions check-in: 590e38d151 user: torek tags: trunk | |
06:18 | keep sccs away from %R% conversions check-in: afb4728992 user: torek tags: trunk | |
06:16 | keep sccs away from %R%c conversion check-in: b051c53ee6 user: torek tags: trunk | |
03:23 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 7427aff4c7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:35 | don't use scanf to read single char; don't quote file names in error messages; make error messages consistent check-in: f53255f71d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:14 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: 0c7ea19025 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:13 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: f91a78e2ff user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:08 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: abdb295a60 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:06 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: b224f54c8c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:45 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: c4526e7dbb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:44 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: cf48075de3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:43 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: 54c9ff8559 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:40 | check in before removing check-in: 0a62dbcb67 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:29 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: 91b7eccf3b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:26 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: f5dfff7423 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:26 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: 5fa220ead9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:24 | new version from Chris Torek check-in: 4ec7ef89a2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:42 | add DIRSIZ macro for internal use check-in: 8e262cc393 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
07:03 | don't print 0 bytes for ls commands check-in: 3094ac4a2f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:28 | fix for Exabyte tmscp tape on uVAX (4.3BSD/sys/230) check-in: 4287f2c668 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
06:05 | reformat the comment table by hand, make it readable check-in: b53487af59 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:34 | don't catch SIGCONT, catch the stop signals instead, cleaned up quitting of mail and signal catch in general, could use more work check-in: 4cc7e41838 user: edward tags: trunk | |
10:23 | do case insensitive comparison on domain name check-in: 43a202b66d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:15 | add SYST (sys type), REST (resetart); null deref; from Rick Adams check-in: 7014a6fc4b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:15 | add SYST (sys type), REST (restart); null deref; from Rick Adams check-in: 30a4e72546 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:09 | syslog logins, both successful(??) and unsuccessful check-in: 86df2a6915 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:01 | always log errors, even if EOF read or eventually successful log if multiple user names tried; do backoff after 3 attempts made check-in: a1895cda26 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
07:58 | Chris Torek; patch for MTLERRM code check-in: 45364e8660 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
08:20 | move handling of `..' to prove concept and improve performance check-in: 040a98611d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:00 | break out non-kernel stuff to <dirent.h>; move compatibility code to the end and mark as going away check-in: f44f31d4b0 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:44 | modifications to use POSIX defined <dirent.h> check-in: 58c4a1daaa user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:42 | date and time created 89/01/11 16:42:43 by mckusick check-in: e7f724b43a user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:41 | add dirent.h for POSIX support check-in: aa48031a8b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:40 | add stdarg.h for John Gilmore to support gcc check-in: da2570979f user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:09 | update to use <stdarg.h> check-in: 4f697b2f79 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
08:41 | comment #else and #endif lines when using -D (4.3BSD-tahoe/bin/14) check-in: a3867a71dd user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:25 | from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: 24bdf6ca74 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:23 | from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: db8d2afb53 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:22 | from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: d6bc28bc6d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:54 | from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: 7013c000be user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
11:00 | from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: a92922ee97 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:58 | from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: 6eeaa59d0b user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:39 | update from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: 08a9f16242 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:36 | update from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: c814ac978e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:34 | from John Gilmore to support gcc check-in: 14fb67b9de user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:22 | update from John Gilmore for gcc check-in: 2bf7a613a6 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
05:17 | arpadate to make everyone happy (except Eric) check-in: 8692b673bf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:06 | date and time created 89/01/08 10:06:11 by bostic check-in: 56d5da29e3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:06 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 08daf3bca4 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:49 | hmm, kevin says "login -p -f -h host username" loses (or wins!) with old login check-in: ae65aa1742 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:08 | fix exec /bin/login line (order of args is important!), use kuserok instead of ruserok for kerberos add -k (kerberos) and -v (vacuous) flags check-in: 57f8d64c0e user: kfall tags: trunk | |
21:36 | add -k argument for Kerberos realm check-in: 54da66c90f user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:15 | remove -r (moved into rlogind) check-in: 0e1240e4e1 user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:54 | binary moved to /usr/libexec check-in: f21682c48e user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:54 | add -n, remove -d check-in: 0566cf15f8 user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:51 | on branch, remove TERMIOS and KERBEROS #ifdefs for network release check-in: a816db8465 user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:49 | start branch for network release, add #ifdefs for TERMIOS and OLD_LOGIN check-in: 2ca3f89e0f user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:45 | finish cleanup/reformatting, remove nouser check-in: a4dbc69777 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:19 | hacks to make select more efficient, some reformatting check-in: 0d4c868e78 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:11 | -r going into rlogind check-in: a5e8b856e6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:00 | Mike's cleanups; add Berkeley specific copyright, minor rearranging check-in: 6b25df80e4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:26 | handle other than uba0 (4.3BSD-tahoe/sys/32) check-in: eed9e63fb6 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:32 | add iov to domem() (vmstat -m) check-in: 6ce1947076 user: marc tags: trunk | |
14:24 | add code for trying Kerb. 1st, then old style rlogin (Uses "klogin" service from /etc/serices) check-in: e219b1cb8b user: kfall tags: trunk | |
13:31 | add Kerberos ifdef's check-in: 262e3399c6 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
11:25 | add pgrps and sessions to vmstat -m check-in: e531eb98fa user: marc tags: trunk | |
07:40 | changes from Sue check-in: 8c925d248d user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:11 | date and time created 89/01/04 21:11:45 by marc check-in: 8bf5ef3fba user: marc tags: trunk | |
16:09 | date and time created 89/01/04 21:09:52 by marc check-in: 5d4d9f4ba5 user: marc tags: trunk | |
14:01 | add description of the -l option check-in: 464b74096e user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:26 | reformat; add Berkeley copyright check-in: e24f9f2465 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:25 | new version from Dave Hitz of Auspex check-in: 05fb3b6ee4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:18 | port should be u_short; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/lib/18 check-in: 58a9216b7a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:15 | port should be a u_short; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/lib/18 check-in: 18960ea60e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:54 | don't use bold if \n(pf is >4 but not 8 (allow pf to be, eg, 5) check-in: 5108ea6e76 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:21 | Changes for 5.61 release. check-in: 76e174b482 user: phil tags: trunk | |
16:17 | written by Bill Joy; add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 80d63e9043 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:55 | more installation to here check-in: 2059fa155f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:17 | remove DEBUG check-in: 53bbf05aaf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:17 | remove DEBUG check-in: ade92b9d88 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:05 | rip out asm; do all sendmail installation here check-in: f254bc14ac user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:26 | Add getcanonname using gethostbyname if NAMED_BIND undefined. check-in: e7b0b9bece user: phil tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:06 | ANSIfication; bug report 4.3BSD/bin/223 check-in: d7d22195ff user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:32 | original by Ken Arnold -- Berkeley copyright check-in: e9a46a33c5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:32 | original by Ken Arnold -- Berkeley copyright possibly distributed as revision 5.3. check-in: 232b273aee user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:32 | original by Ken Arnold -- Berkeley copyright check-in: 573ad6bdd9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:27 | ctags -t and routines that return structs; bug report 4.3BSD/ucb/239 check-in: f1f19036ef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
07:09 | add -m flag for su check-in: 1e56cbae95 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:58 | bogus fdopen calls; bug report 4.3BSD/bin/222 check-in: 7710974828 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:36 | use Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 98b433a09f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:34 | cleanup; remove V6 and VMUNIX check-in: 30c94107d3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:33 | WIZ vanishes check-in: 326683ecd5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:45 | add NO_WILDCARD_MX #define check-in: 26c0f5c982 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:08 | exit on end-of-file if file shorter than a screen, regardless check-in: 4d5f0fae11 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:24 | remove pw_stayopen check-in: 81a60eadc4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:57 | add Berkeley copyright for consistency check-in: 7ec4fe53ac user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:57 | add Berkeley copyright for consistency check-in: ead78ba1b1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:02 | added linesize argument to readline() check-in: 783532133c user: edward tags: trunk | |
08:13 | use syscall for doing syswrite stuff -- more portable? check-in: dd009eef01 user: sam tags: trunk | |
08:04 | date and time created 88/12/22 13:04:38 by sam check-in: 3949beea9a user: sam tags: trunk | |
08:03 | satisfy external ref check-in: 30a180fda5 user: sam tags: trunk | |
08:01 | sloppy fixes for null pointer bugs check-in: 415ad4de1b user: sam tags: trunk | |
07:59 | purge uses of alloca check-in: ceab1ede5f user: sam tags: trunk | |
07:57 | purge uses of alloca check-in: 407ba28ed4 user: sam tags: trunk | |
07:55 | date and time created 88/12/22 12:55:42 by sam check-in: 628b3921ee user: sam tags: trunk | |
07:55 | use jmp_buf check-in: 172d8e5045 user: sam tags: trunk | |
07:54 | use setjmp jmp_buf definition check-in: 5cfbec8529 user: sam tags: trunk | |
07:53 | date and time created 88/12/22 12:53:49 by sam check-in: 1abddbf34f user: sam tags: trunk | |
07:01 | add security doc; comments from Domenico and Sue check-in: e957b17f8a user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:57 | Bug fix from Tony Li, USC. Turn off options for future negotiations. check-in: 2e52495afe user: minshall tags: trunk | |
17:42 | These are the current versions (actually already 2 years old). check-in: af6e31214c user: minshall tags: trunk | |
14:13 | fix getopt string check-in: 6cb81467c6 user: marc tags: trunk | |
14:13 | document that created file is 0600 check-in: 93202770f2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:04 | changed interface, first "official" version check-in: 1e794367dd user: marc tags: trunk | |
13:34 | spelling is important check-in: 03f445b6a3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:57 | major rework/cleanup; remove any vestige of AT&T code check-in: 23b7eaf217 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:56 | no more subclasses of manual pages check-in: a4a160a467 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:38 | put in User option for requeing print jobs from filters. check-in: aeef216902 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
09:05 | checkpoint working version with variable size sockaddr changes check-in: f0a26f37f9 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
03:42 | since user can put information in the password file (gecos field) can get overrun and produce bad results; also, increase max line length to 1024, since gecos field used by lots of places for extra information. bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/bin/13 check-in: c4bb9ecbf1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:46 | no longer calls login -r, fix "pseduo" type check-in: 1661a71201 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
16:26 | handle entire 'rlogin protocol' in rlogind check-in: 379e068153 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
16:23 | add Kerberos ifdefs, marc's posix job control stuff, and handle check-in: 4ea26aab8a user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:47 | checkpoint check-in: f009b2b702 user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:38 | display major,minor dev #s for character special files check-in: 40ca87b39d user: kfall tags: trunk | |
05:22 | written by Ken Arnold; add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 5fe6345257 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:02 | SIGFPE -> SIGUSR1 check-in: e5837cc71d user: marc tags: trunk | |
15:10 | put back 4.3 style defaults check-in: 036806074b user: marc tags: trunk | |
12:10 | add vsyslog check-in: 548ed4bc8d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:35 | if no home directory, log into '/'; delete old #ifdef/notdef and commented out stuff; allocate block for binary transfer, based on st_blksize; redo reply/lreply as taking multiple arguments -- this should be ripped out at some point and made to use varargs/vsyslog. check-in: 7da243e659 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:32 | dup stderr, so get error messages from ls check-in: 409571171e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:10 | written by Eric Allman; add Berkely specific copyright check-in: 0c863528ba user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:56 | put %m back in check-in: 1911e8cfba user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:01 | add vsyslog check-in: ff0ffc6e38 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:35 | add fpurge check-in: 36da8eb2d5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:35 | some general cleanup; move %m into _doprnt(); handle N arguments; increase buffer size to 2K; block all signals when writing to console check-in: 047459c00d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:08 | for Mike; clean up bind code check-in: ca88842b35 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:07 | increase buffer size; rewrite argument collection loop check-in: 2786e8858c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:41 | you must be kidding check-in: b71947db01 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:04 | on unknown error, at least print out the errno check-in: 0fc9aa485c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:10 | use varargs; lreply only used once, so just handle that one case check-in: ad02c846a1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:08 | globbing allocation/freeing wrong; bug report 4.3BSD/etc/149 check-in: 287ca237c7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:00 | '-' option means read from stdin, don't do it by default. Fix call to reboot/halt, minor cleanups check-in: f9f0115874 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:22 | add fpurge() check-in: 38301762fb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:12 | date and time created 88/12/16 11:12:32 by bostic check-in: 124c62b5cf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:12 | date and time created 88/12/16 11:12:21 by bostic check-in: 6dc4acc7c3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:50 | add recv, send, wait, wait3 check-in: dea0bb1970 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:28 | checkpoint before addind ioctl name check-in: 42096a53c7 user: marc tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:21 | kernel tracing check-in: df2c925420 user: marc tags: trunk | |
11:21 | date and time created 88/12/14 16:21:49 by marc check-in: db51704ba4 user: marc tags: trunk | |
11:21 | date and time created 88/12/14 16:21:47 by marc check-in: 248985d7f5 user: marc tags: trunk | |
11:21 | Automatic directory addition check-in: e2d2a3c932 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
11:21 | date and time created 88/12/14 16:21:45 by marc check-in: f142eddb97 user: marc tags: trunk | |
11:21 | Automatic directory addition check-in: cce8486f30 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
10:38 | globbing allocation/freeing wrong; bug report 4.3BSD/etc/149 check-in: c99b8e3c70 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:22 by sklower check-in: ffea0fcc1b user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:21 by sklower check-in: 655a89b9cb user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:20 by sklower check-in: d65cb039c6 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:19 by sklower check-in: 9cd3cc019d user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:18 by sklower check-in: f2a69b4726 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:17 by sklower check-in: 3139f92cb2 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:16 by sklower check-in: a6fd1d7977 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:15 by sklower check-in: 2275e32552 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:12 by sklower check-in: 11d78e33f6 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:11 by sklower check-in: fd3d7cf2c7 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:10 by sklower check-in: 592a71e485 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:09 by sklower check-in: 9d4bbeca1c user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:08 by sklower check-in: 4207a1102c user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:07 by sklower check-in: 507a1ee7d7 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:06 by sklower check-in: 8d896e77bf user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:05 by sklower check-in: 3ce735cc2b user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:04 by sklower check-in: 0e0b3e547c user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:03 by sklower check-in: 374478d4cf user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:02 by sklower check-in: a1ded0002f user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:01 by sklower check-in: 09525e0c45 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:30 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:00 by sklower check-in: 65bfbb3a70 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:58 by sklower check-in: 42a4d99b1b user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:55 by sklower check-in: 3051931ecb user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:54 by sklower check-in: 60c2fe1d4d user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:53 by sklower check-in: 58fe3bfe05 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:52 by sklower check-in: f2728833a1 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:51 by sklower check-in: c9f07bbed4 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:50 by sklower check-in: 82c6a14faa user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:49 by sklower check-in: 767bb577f5 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:48 by sklower check-in: d10b8df5ef user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:47 by sklower check-in: f243e5e977 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:46 by sklower check-in: 625f6e1838 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:45 by sklower check-in: 4d28b4f48b user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:44 by sklower check-in: 04e2cc63bf user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:42 by sklower check-in: e4afd9b6c9 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:41 by sklower check-in: d7b6d73584 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:40 by sklower check-in: 6a01466fcb user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:39 by sklower check-in: 930e90e9aa user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:37 by sklower check-in: e6cc760ece user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:35 by sklower check-in: 6ee9220ab8 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:34 by sklower check-in: 0de87dbab7 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:33 by sklower check-in: 54cac2f4d2 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:32 by sklower check-in: d73bbed3b9 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:31 by sklower check-in: 3d58c53f11 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:30 by sklower check-in: 9e248f75c4 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:29 by sklower check-in: aa0d5075c0 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:28 by sklower check-in: 8ad7b3e6c5 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:27 by sklower check-in: 75bf087e51 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:26 by sklower check-in: 4ed6c8ba15 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:25 by sklower check-in: 5ee9776538 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:24 by sklower check-in: 0708851c1a user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:23 by sklower check-in: 8b8bd0ca8f user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:22 by sklower check-in: 0268667a21 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:21 by sklower check-in: e33ac59ab1 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:20 by sklower check-in: a36c693c64 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:19 by sklower check-in: a02386c17a user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | date and time created 88/12/14 15:29:18 by sklower check-in: d42c7b7f12 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
10:29 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 18fa87a7d9 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
09:50 | new versions from Dave Yost (grand!day@uunet.UU.NET) check-in: 303526b266 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:49 | date and time created 88/12/14 03:49:53 by marc check-in: a847f9367a user: marc tags: trunk | |
22:00 | date and time created 88/12/14 03:00:11 by marc check-in: be00a3a14e user: marc tags: trunk | |
21:58 | date and time created 88/12/14 02:58:21 by marc check-in: dc4597ea7a user: marc tags: trunk | |
16:58 | if a short file, don't move to lower-left corner of the screen, unless editing or movement attempted, including at exit. Correct dumb mistake in window signal handling. Add routine to copy portions of the table. check-in: e668e60ba1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:10 | forgot to add the NULL into the count; bug report 4.3BSD/usr.bin/190 check-in: a1f6b08d2a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:42 | written by Dave Yost; add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 5f95f2593f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:31 | checkpoint semi-working version with routing socket (by sklower) check-in: fcff944618 user: karels tags: trunk | |
08:30 | checkpoint semi-working version with routing socket check-in: 3f19c73550 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:28 | add AF_ISO check-in: 8c44be0823 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
08:20 | date and time created 88/12/13 13:20:26 by sklower check-in: ce1605b23d user: sklower tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:58 | fix instructions a bit check-in: 3a9873d59f user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:57 | handle SIGPIPE check-in: fa8cd72d3d user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:54 | include signal.h check-in: fa271052b5 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
17:53 | add SIGPIPE stuff check-in: 1e118c54dd user: kfall tags: trunk | |
16:00 | add .o's to OBJS list check-in: 14c201b064 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:55 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:55:11 by kfall check-in: 8717e1cd54 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:55 | Automatic directory addition check-in: e054b0fef5 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
15:55 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:55:06 by kfall check-in: 8a4ac26caa user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:54 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:54:57 by kfall check-in: 67f8b67dbc user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:54 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:54:51 by kfall check-in: b35bb97ff0 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:54 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 42671d6b8c user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
15:54 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:54:43 by kfall check-in: d010570947 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:54 | Automatic directory addition check-in: cb448b6afd user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
15:54 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 633450a160 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
15:44 | add strdup check-in: a3283629b7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:41 | add strdup for S5 check-in: e2902ad65f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:40 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:40:12 by bostic check-in: d0cb05c783 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:32 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:32:14 by kfall check-in: 9ffbdc2a49 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:26 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:26:19 by kfall check-in: 487aba4f14 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:26 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 40c87cf5f2 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
15:26 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:26:03 by kfall check-in: a59b866907 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:24 | date and time created 88/12/12 20:24:22 by kfall check-in: 87eef6dcd8 user: kfall tags: trunk | |
15:24 | Automatic directory addition check-in: d763226922 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
09:55 | remove VQUOTE check-in: f1ea060e77 user: marc tags: trunk | |
08:03 | handle var len names, sync with vax check-in: ecab5f3daf user: karels tags: trunk | |
08:03 | one increment per loop check-in: a2e65af4c9 user: karels tags: trunk | |
05:03 | add crontab entry check-in: d34c602a5d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:33 | typo... check-in: 242d20f77c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:35 | sockaddr's now require length (K. Sklower); add _check_rhosts_file flag for rshd and rlogind; don't use .rhosts if owned by someone other than user or root, or if writeable by anyone but the owner check-in: fc399e314d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:20 | clear the whole header check-in: bcef1ddba0 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:29 | forgot to mention superuser exception on -l flag check-in: 9441578574 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:28 | forgot to mention superuser exception on -l flag check-in: e017c6207f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:24 | add -l flag to turn off rhosts check-in: 16331d72e0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:21 | add -l flag to turn off rhosts check-in: b812c4a86c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:36 | typo in CWD check-in: ca56e40771 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:29 | up version from 4 to 5 check-in: f88d4bd83a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:25 | document -p flag, minor cleanups check-in: 2a7f9b6f13 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:21 | document the -p flag; don't document ruserok(3), it's in rcmd(3) check-in: 42049b47c8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:16 | document conditions wherein ruserok will fail check-in: e069a864f6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:06 | print out percentage by default, rather than line number check-in: 6a1e1c2bec user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:58 | document that bcopy strings may overlap; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/lib/16 check-in: 92ee23fdea user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:39 | note other reasons for pclose to return -1; wait(2) -> wait4(2) check-in: 6f925c7e34 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:35 | waitpid real, make this work check-in: 7b403341be user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:07 | new version distinguishing between rtentries and ortentries check-in: c23b63f987 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:55 | new version distinguishing struct rtentry and ortentry check-in: a74e4e42fd user: sklower tags: trunk | |
11:39 | two pass tree walk to free all routes. check-in: fc2eb3b218 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
07:51 | change so that -m fails if non-standard shell and not root, rather than just running the non-standard shell check-in: 7ff50e500e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:35 | fix user/pass to reset all on failure (*don't* leave failed anonymous login as root!), limit login attempts, sleep after failures to slow down guessing, correct telnet option processing, various cleanups check-in: e414aa989e user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:52 | add spaces between name and time fields (4.3BSD/etc/148) check-in: 8f0ecfe472 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:08 | pids in a uid_t? other cleanups (but still not posix!) check-in: 8323bf2daf user: karels tags: trunk | |
14:30 | install correct aliases file check-in: 349a672527 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:25 | make '' default to file beginning if no large movements yet check-in: 65943055b3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:34 | remove -p (terse prompts); remove '&' prompt for ':' commands; reformat check-in: bb4dc43f28 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:33 | remove -p (terse prompts) check-in: 881d685a10 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:14 | use values from <sys/syscall.h> (4.3BSD/etc/150) check-in: 38dc4f20a7 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:00 | edit to put into official format; minor gramatical corrections check-in: 7cc84fb5d6 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
10:20 | add :a[rgs] command check-in: 984a1c541c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:16 | add ":a[rgs]" command from vi check-in: 403c1c5a2a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:43 | first pass editing, more to follow check-in: 4fe6020f4e user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
16:37 | require -t flag for command line timeout value check-in: aba3c78b2b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:04 | minor cleanups for cray check-in: b3dec31ce4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:43 | date and time created 88/12/05 15:43:16 by bostic check-in: 818a90c5ac user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:42 | date and time created 88/12/05 15:42:25 by bostic check-in: be17affbd5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:24 | allow command to be appended; redo perror messages to use strerror check-in: fbb189e46a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:31 | find . and .. if not at the end of path, i.e. "rm -r /tmp/.*" check-in: 52ff7da580 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:33 | Release 4.1 check-in: afe64f5951 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
10:24 | date and time created 88/12/04 15:24:12 by minshall check-in: 901418bdb1 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
10:13 | Release 4.1 check-in: 79175bdff9 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
09:59 | Version 4.0 readme check-in: 540337c1e8 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
| ||
11:24 | purge pending output when fielding SIGINT (signal handling still is not right -- need to watch out for partial writes?) check-in: 1476188df5 user: sam tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:59 | better values for mindist, maxdist, and sdist from Chris Torek check-in: f65fa8145a user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
04:21 | Oops - make work on older (4.2) systems. check-in: 93527cdb93 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:36 | OK, flush out network input buffer also... check-in: 815820ea3a user: minshall tags: trunk | |
17:28 | Flush out the last dregs in the terminal before quitting when the remote side quits (actually, there *may* be something left in the network input ring, so we don't actually guarantee to get everything). check-in: 0543ebf744 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
15:28 | Rick Adams for Bill Scherlis, the night that MilNet died check-in: c7276bacb9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:25 | Rick Adams for Bill Scherlis, the night that MilNet died check-in: 642230188d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:55 | add Berkeley copyright check-in: e8a966d31e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:09 | Try to fix SIGIO problem with Sun machines, h_errno with Sun machines, more debugging and options. check-in: 70ff1c601e user: minshall tags: trunk | |
12:22 | add usage message on incorrect invocation check-in: 7f4c4bc23e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:22 | display next file name as part of "END" prompt check-in: 94c5e464c7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
11:18 | date and time created 88/11/28 16:18:44 by bostic check-in: 7285ece9b1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:18 | date and time created 88/11/28 16:18:04 by bostic check-in: 8aa6bcf73b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:17 | date and time created 88/11/28 16:17:56 by bostic check-in: d3bcfa1017 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:49 | off-by-one in account; bug report tahoe/ucb/30 check-in: 25e42d95e4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:28 | do -s processing, even if output not a tty check-in: 79e5c53f4b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:13 | backward compatible processing for "+/pattern" check-in: 69e19c4069 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:59 | delete comments about how dumb terminal is check-in: 91e6887959 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:57 | delete mention of ^Y; currently don't allow ^Y or ^E. check-in: 8e5761dcb5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
07:19 | on error, allow command character as well as return to continue check-in: f7744f57e0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:03 | compress CR-LF to LF by default; -u flag prints the CR as "^M" check-in: 11c06182b9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:04 | cleanup rewrite; do arguments, errors correctly, don't bother waiting check-in: 9d4b8f13f9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:50 | make "man slip" work check-in: 059e2fb6f1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:23 | some minor tuning and a small bug in counting changed lines check-in: 8d151be9a9 user: edward tags: trunk | |
23:22 | use the ENDIAN definitions instead of machine type check-in: 681a00b8c3 user: edward tags: trunk | |
23:20 | use the ENDIAN definitions check-in: 0e02c99278 user: edward tags: trunk | |
16:56 | cleanup from Guy Harris; use "path" everywhere, not "name"; argv and envp are **char, not *envp[]; cleanup explanation of "#!"; refer to fcntl(2) as well as close(2); note that execve leaves real gid alone as well as real uid; change sigmask(2) to sigsetmask(2). check-in: 2d129f5af2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:41 | =/^G show total bytes now; document may not always work check-in: b35102520e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:10 | less -> more check-in: f2ce921cda user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:51 | less -> more check-in: d93193a532 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:51 | check-in: b8c63a276c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:51 | less -> more check-in: f8f3da2571 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:55 | move to /usr/old check-in: dc4416163c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:48 | backward compatibility for pre-fat file systems; ifdef's for vnodes; be consistent with AT&T notation for FIFOS check-in: c229ea0591 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
05:31 | make dependencies work right check-in: 376c14e3f4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:11 | use fgets, not gets check-in: e96250ad50 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:10 | use fgets(), not gets() check-in: 71d36c8104 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:00 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: f05aa4c94f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
06:53 | Make sure that fields are indicated with a non-highlighted blank. check-in: a44c315f79 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:35 | This is a major simplification of SlowScreen(). This fixes a bug where we would leave splotches of reverse video on the screen. check-in: 1e39542aa7 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
17:31 | Count SIGIO's (for debugging). Separate out noasynch between tty and net. check-in: 87cf2c1f4e user: minshall tags: trunk | |
17:30 | Count SIGIO's (for debugging). Separate out noasynch between tty and net. check-in: 1fb4af0ad6 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
17:30 | Count SIGIO's (for debugging). Don't worry if there is just *one* byte in the TTY buffer. check-in: 97352c0fd4 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
12:34 | fix buffer handling botch for logging "to" addresses to same destination host (4.3BSD usr.lib/113) check-in: 36d5907734 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:33 | getruid uses unitialized var, use getuid (even though -bd is now privileged) check-in: 943a0b49e2 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:32 | disallow non-root from starting daemon or queue mode; unset HOSTALIASES for daemon or queue mode check-in: 7c4fe45c54 user: karels tags: trunk | |
10:06 | First attempt at status and new directions for OSI project check-in: d5a9f6bca2 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
07:11 | make mode more prominent check-in: 7aee8eda13 user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:33 | pipe down! losing a network connection is a normal event! check-in: 7ee522ed0d user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:02 | more cleanup, fix some inappropriate syserr's check-in: 5cc68b0849 user: karels tags: trunk | |
10:20 | make it possible to input subnetted class D nets and pre-shifted class B subnets. check-in: 8ecbe49af1 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
05:39 | debug shouldn't change ability to mail to programs, pipes, etc. check-in: d0514196c7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:32 | expunge debugging/nonstandard/trojan horse commands from smtp, logging attempts to use them; log name/address of host from which mail received ("mail from" may not include it or may lie); don't allow debug to affect permissions locally; change some of the non-system syserrs to syslog at lower priority; still need to unifdef remaining debug code check-in: ae366920e6 user: karels tags: trunk | |
03:39 | written by Mark Horton; add Berkeley copyright add getopt, use fgets, not gets, lint cleanups, increase max message size check-in: e3b370d9db user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:37 | written by Mark Horton; add Berkeley copyright check-in: 64bb0ce69c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:18 | use strerror(3), minor lint cleanups check-in: 119a25602b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:38 | add strsep, strerror check-in: 37d6f3620b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:25 | add strerror(), deprecate sys_errlist, sys_nerr check-in: 4a55568d49 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:09 | Berkeley specific copyright check-in: d5d9867d94 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:58 | add strerror function; ANSI check-in: dd21f53883 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:04 | another worm fix; don't pass args starting with '-'; from Rick Adams check-in: be46273665 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:50 | Berkeley specific copyright check-in: daa4078939 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:16 | originally written by Mark Horton; add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: ca67c5fdfd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:49 | date and time created 88/11/14 19:49:58 by mckusick check-in: f212449554 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
14:22 | temp files should be protected; bug report 4.3BSD/usr.bin/186 check-in: b47fe83cbc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:47 | strtok gets its own man page, with strsep check-in: 87d426bf90 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:47 | date and time created 88/11/14 09:47:10 by bostic check-in: ecbeab7cfe user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:45 | from scratch check-in: 7381d26b61 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
03:44 | make consistent with getpwent and getgrent check-in: 2252fa460a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
05:53 | written by Kirk McKusick; add Berkeley copyright notice check-in: 2a501ae99e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:32 | working simple-minded (n^2 alg) tree version. check-in: 246d298456 user: karels tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:31 | date and time created 88/11/09 23:31:35 by sklower check-in: 0d6d76a430 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
18:27 | date and time created 88/11/09 23:27:29 by sklower check-in: deea807427 user: sklower tags: trunk | |
15:37 | checkpoint first working version with routing trees. (by sklower). check-in: 4a5466c895 user: karels tags: trunk | |
04:28 | MCESR register doesn't exist on ka650 check-in: 6d0476b675 user: tef tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:35 | avoid null pointer on machine check printf's check-in: 20082da38a user: tef tags: trunk | |
12:34 | avoid null pointer on machine check printf's check-in: 8d81c47058 user: tef tags: trunk | |
12:32 | MCESR register doesn't exist on ka650 check-in: c1c5c9320a user: tef tags: trunk | |
12:17 | wrong bit definition for CTS check-in: 2e3cf446cd user: tef tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:18 | compiles with xns and tree changes check-in: 60b892394a user: karels tags: trunk | |
10:56 | date and time created 88/11/07 15:56:40 by mckusick check-in: 9e1b4d4988 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:57 | In SunOS 4.0, high order bits (sent from curses sometimes) can cause problems. check-in: f66eabf6c6 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:29 | comment out debug check-in: 495db6f74f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:16 | fix security problem; overflow the buffer and change the pc ret check-in: fab6367b72 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
06:36 | credit Mt. Xinu check-in: 55252bcdcb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
04:53 | print out why it failed check-in: 4ef93cbba8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:47 | written by Bill Joy; use Berkeley copyright notice check-in: fb33f3229f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:29 | fix up rd54 partitions (align on cyl boundaries), add qd33/eagle check-in: ab34a690d4 user: karels tags: trunk | |
13:16 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 5f64f8c456 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:54 | this works with our kernel, probably won't have to change too much more check-in: 600a3e2391 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
05:52 | cleanup logwtmp stuff, stupid mistakes check-in: b87ec3d4b0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:50 | cleandir should actually do something check-in: 1f9385139e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:28 | add disklabel.5 check-in: ac3780231e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:06 | add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 5203ebae1c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:17 | written by Michael Toy; add Berkeley specific copyright notice check-in: 819f2d1dae user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:09 | add labels, cleanup dependencies, use ${LS} so bozos with . in front of $PATH don't get surprised check-in: 1ef03e064f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:46 | correct Berkeley copyright check-in: 40d32c5f31 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:07 | security problem with user; bug report 4.3BSD/ucb/251 check-in: 858df831f2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:44 | check for errno < 0 check-in: 8502333d30 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:43 | check for h_errno < 0 check-in: 2228e032f1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:36 | written by Mark Horton; add Berkeley copyright check-in: b8f085b0a0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:17 | Correct copyright. Man page installation. Lint fix up. Name change. check-in: 55b1f9477a user: minshall tags: trunk | |
08:16 | 1. Fix "ambiguous" versus "unknown" commands; 2. Don't tell about "toggle" results twice; 3. Add herror() support for older Berkeley systems. check-in: 36575da9f1 user: minshall tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:59 | add Berkeley specific copyright check-in: c9ae7c5c20 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
08:45 | add man page, cleandir check-in: b7370027a2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:46 | remove 1C's check-in: 3d0fb2cd7a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
08:39 | Donn Seeley says this works with both the old and new getopts. check-in: 8a583c4e34 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:17 | allow end of range to be octal number; failed on "-d '\13-\37'" check-in: cb0e699086 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:23 | written by Bill Joy; add Berkeley copyright check-in: 8d8df711ef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:22 | written by Bill Joy; add Berkeley copyright check-in: 4e6c644700 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:19 | written by Bill Joy; add Berkeley copyright check-in: 52707ff507 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:17 | Fix typelen to account for extended opcode support (with G and H floating point instructions). Also made the escape and opcode fields unsigned for simplicity. check-in: 2b7b05a3c3 user: donn tags: trunk | |
14:14 | Back and forth we go... This version still steals from the as and adb source directories, but you can define ASINSTRS and ADBINSTRS when compiling to force it to pick up the included files from other places. check-in: fff9c9945e user: donn tags: trunk | |
13:58 | Cope with the extended instructions (including G and H floating point). This fixes a problem where extended instructions were hiding normal ones, e.g. CVTWL was interpreted as CVTDH. check-in: b06cd724df user: donn tags: trunk | |
07:55 | remove my name check-in: 2410c7ef8e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:38 | written by Bill Joy; Berkeley specific copyright check-in: 459667f58b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:07 | add man page, cleanup check-in: a25fb4d886 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
15:01 | add man page, cleanup check-in: e3fab68168 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:58 | add man page, cleanup check-in: b98042482a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:57 | cleanup, add man page check-in: f16a8055aa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:56 | add man page, cleanup check-in: fd8e2d4160 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:55 | Berkeley copyright check-in: e55e8a9a66 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:51 | Berkeley copyright notice check-in: 259f708bbd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:37 | add links to manual page check-in: ded28899cc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:34 | need to run eqn on eqn's man page... poetic justice, that... check-in: e43617eee8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:29 | add man page, cleanup check-in: 192553b9b4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:28 | add man page, cleanup check-in: b86485829c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:25 | add man page check-in: ea95d05d4d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:24 | cleanup, add man page check-in: 72ab739b42 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:20 | add man page, cleanup check-in: 87c51229ec user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:20 | add man page, cleanup check-in: f63f490e8e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:18 | add man page, cleanup check-in: b945d4bdbf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
14:07 | avtw margin bell no longer set, consistent with other avt entries check-in: bbc87d4d06 user: jak tags: trunk | |
13:04 | add manual page check-in: 0847544f77 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:37 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: 4532dc82be user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:32 | add man page, cleanup check-in: 26476f3b1f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:30 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: 4dcde8f02b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:26 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 2faf4f849b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:25 | add man page, cleanup check-in: dcb34358a7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:24 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: cad55d3a12 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:20 | add man page, cleanup check-in: d756a27841 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:15 | add man page, cleanup check-in: de0e837211 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:14 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 1185e7dfdc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:12 | add cleandir check-in: 0e9accff6b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:12 | add cleandir check-in: 70e65ad282 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:11 | cleanup, install man page check-in: a70d18010b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:10 | it's a program now check-in: 158ee0b683 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:10 | date and time created 88/10/25 16:10:06 by bostic check-in: ed02254805 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:07 | date and time created 88/10/25 16:07:19 by bostic check-in: ac71b438fb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:04 | date and time created 88/10/25 16:04:38 by bostic check-in: b4c48f91d4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:04 | date and time created 88/10/25 16:04:31 by bostic check-in: 47c8f7704b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:04 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 6f11aff985 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
11:58 | add man page, cleanup check-in: d65566dfef user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:57 | add man page, cleanup check-in: 9987051641 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:52 | Berkeley copyright notice check-in: bf71423469 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:48 | add man page, cleanup check-in: 377d84bac8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:47 | Berkeley copyright check-in: 5a22048fbc user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:46 | add man page, cleanup check-in: aa80fddb08 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:45 | add man page, cleanup check-in: d762c2fd8e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:43 | add man page, cleanup check-in: c2d1b34e1f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:30 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 4f3db85dad user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:28 | add man page, cleanup check-in: 5ef53cb344 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:26 | add man page, cleanup check-in: 37bdcf3c30 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:24 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 24ce87fb4e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:23 | Berkeley copyright notice check-in: 5b074e8d3c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:19 | alway->always; neve->never; nowaday->nowadays; add summer check-in: c67728e1b0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:16 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 6205043d55 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:14 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 7250828234 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:13 | add Berkeley copyright check-in: 72ed5fac7a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:12 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 48b8520827 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:11 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 516dc92b95 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:09 | add manual page, cleanups check-in: ec4a13a4c3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:07 | add manual pages, correct copyright notices check-in: 5fa171b0f1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:04 | add manual page, cleanup check-in: 2e5a0770fb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:58 | fix copyright, move usr.lib/learn here, add manual page and new labels check-in: aff056d279 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
09:15 | old learn bug report (4.2BSD/usr.bin/2) check-in: 47f801d0ca user: jak tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:44 | Berkeley copyright check-in: 66209f4f25 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:38 | Berkeley copyright notice check-in: 0b6fc6ae4f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:37 | Berkeley copyright, new labels, cleanup, add manual page check-in: 9d4d996e58 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:47 | don't use access; screws up setuid programs check-in: 28c0d9fa38 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:48 | add line for en0; comment that it has to be downloaded before ifconfig check-in: 3ba8446d53 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:05 | add manual pages; don't produce .o's unless necessary; add new labels; don't need loops in install script check-in: 8dea4ae1c2 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
08:00 | remove refs to [18]C, add copyright if needed check-in: aa6505955b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:53 | add copyright; remove references to 1C check-in: 9ec0f93faa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:52 | cleanup check-in: d2ee6dc0ff user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:44 | add -a flag check-in: ff694b33fb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:43 | add -a flag check-in: 42eb2c44f3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:42 | add -a flag, clean up -f explanation check-in: cba323fee3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
07:04 | date and time created 88/10/24 11:04:40 by bostic check-in: 9c6e24f3d7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
06:46 | add Berkeley copyright notice check-in: 16c16ea9c7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:30 | add Berkeley copyright check-in: e34d55bc48 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
17:24 | must be super-user to exec it. check-in: 012faff58c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
16:44 | %h is broken; "printf("%hd %hd\n", (short)1, (short)2);" doesn't behave correctly. If this fix doesn't work, make sure your fix doesn't sign extend on "%hu" and that "printf %hu -1" still works. check-in: 52507d9051 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
13:46 | add David Anderson to the author list (per Ferrari) check-in: c10b4af77d user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:08 | gratuitous stylistic change check-in: 3f1183cad0 user: edward tags: trunk | |
13:08 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: 89ed26b629 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:57 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: 8d4a545a63 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:57 | automatic priority calculation with qbgetpri; flags-handling fixes check-in: d5b2717c42 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:51 | fold version from /usr/man on top; SCCS lines were: >>> 4.1 85/04/29 17:44:24 mckusick >>> manual page distributed with 4.1BSD >>> >>> 5.1 85/04/29 17:44:32 mckusick >>> manual page distributed with 4.2BSD >>> >>> 6.1 85/04/29 17:44:40 mckusick >>> 4.3BSD beta release manual page >>> >>> 6.2 86/05/10 19:55:36 mckusick >>> add space after comma check-in: 811aa01f8f user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:46 | cleanup, add man page check-in: d60a2b44fd user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:45 | cleanup, add man page check-in: bf0885d8a8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:45 | rework check-in: 8725ff16a9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:41 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: 82900a1409 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:39 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: f94b4a8bb1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:39 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: f49312ed37 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:31 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: bcda9e7d6a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:20 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:20:45 by bostic check-in: 60556420ab user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:19 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:19:35 by bostic check-in: d773811a35 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:19 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:19:11 by bostic check-in: 7d5a0e55d4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:18 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:18:28 by bostic check-in: 461c5621fa user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:17 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:17:55 by bostic check-in: 446352af74 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:17 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:17:32 by bostic check-in: 7bd7cb3ac1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:17 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:17:12 by bostic check-in: 833d8627a8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:16 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:16:49 by bostic check-in: 2a6b4f00f8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:16 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:16:22 by bostic check-in: f2ed0bcfe6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:14 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:14:22 by bostic check-in: c77d2d7dd7 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:13 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:13:59 by bostic check-in: 5b2fe91e4c user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:13 | add nohup check-in: 4ad3dbb88e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:11 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:11:20 by bostic check-in: 31a695aced user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:10 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:10:01 by bostic check-in: 8d423fc719 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:09 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:09:30 by bostic check-in: 2e555ac40b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:08 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:08:00 by bostic check-in: 213851f2f3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:03 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:03:43 by bostic check-in: 4dab634fd3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:03 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:03:12 by bostic check-in: 602d6f7549 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:02 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:02:03 by bostic check-in: 971c6ddef6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:01 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:01:39 by bostic check-in: b166890dd8 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:00 | date and time created 88/10/22 16:00:50 by bostic check-in: 0d7b3af30e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
12:00 | cleanup, add labels check-in: 2537b129f5 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:58 | cleanup, add labels, man page check-in: f9f216ba6b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:57 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:57:12 by bostic check-in: 428f71c2c0 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:54 | cleanup, add new labels, checkeq check-in: 5681a60c74 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:51 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:51:21 by bostic check-in: c56106608e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:50 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:50:52 by bostic check-in: 31e8a68fb9 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:50 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:50:18 by bostic check-in: 63afa03551 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:47 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:47:59 by bostic check-in: f13e9d8d2a user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:47 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:47:19 by bostic check-in: ac2fb22ab3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:44 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:44:36 by bostic check-in: 18740ceceb user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:44 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:44:04 by bostic check-in: 41644c8957 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:44 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:44:01 by bostic check-in: 22bff098cf user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:42 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:42:13 by bostic check-in: 764414289e user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:40 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:40:51 by bostic check-in: a52146ae07 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:36 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:36:41 by bostic check-in: a0c163d4f3 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:35 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:35:06 by bostic ar11 man page seems to have been misplaced since 3bsd. check-in: d23c9d4886 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:22 | remove old "no -M hack", install Chris's real one check-in: e8a9bd5693 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:21 | date and time created 88/10/22 15:21:46 by bostic check-in: 84ac90c2e1 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:14 | use ubaalloc macros; use qbgetpri for Q-bus device probe routines check-in: 8064b0be59 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:14 | use ubaalloc macros; use qbgetpri for Q-bus device probe routines; don't use wrong partitions on QD33 just because everything is "RA81" check-in: 16e4b6fe05 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:14 | use ubaalloc macros; use qbgetpri for Q-bus device probe routines check-in: 6ef64c06d5 user: karels tags: trunk | |
11:12 | change ubaalloc macros to allow 2047 map registers on Q-bus, use the macros, and add qbgetpri for Q-bus device probe routines check-in: 888ac15611 user: karels tags: trunk | |
10:07 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: e76fa4af5d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
10:02 | use uballoc macros, new qbus autoconf (old mbufs) check-in: 108eb61e90 user: karels tags: trunk | |
10:00 | use uballoc macros, new qbus autoconf (old mbufs) check-in: e8a5c7e59e user: karels tags: trunk | |
09:49 | use F_SETFD instead of FIOCLEX; F_SETFD is in S3/S5, and we're not real concerned about V6/V7/4.1BSD anymore check-in: ebbf47556b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:12 | fix up typos check-in: 319d16c328 user: mckusick tags: trunk | |
12:23 | add TCP work check-in: 925ee92df6 user: karels tags: trunk | |
12:19 | fixes for gcc check-in: 5cb502df22 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:54 | cleanup, add manual page check-in: 02de8d0b23 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:50 | cleanup check-in: 044cc4433b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:45 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:45:51 by bostic check-in: b73fe6c3ca user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:45 | Automatic directory addition check-in: 74fb9b1506 user: sccs2svn tags: trunk | |
11:27 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:27:08 by bostic check-in: 06c15fd582 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:26 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:26:35 by bostic check-in: f4e7c48b9b user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:25 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:25:57 by bostic check-in: 48d5b2b7b6 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:25 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:25:10 by bostic check-in: 7cccca7995 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:21 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:21:52 by bostic check-in: 61f6909a63 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:20 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:20:31 by bostic check-in: 937c25716d user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:19 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:19:43 by bostic check-in: 9d491a1c37 user: bostic tags: trunk | |
11:17 | date and time created 88/10/21 15:17:39 by bostic check-in: 47379f41b4 user: bostic tags: trunk | |